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[casi] Bush Knew Iraq Info was False CBS News

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Subject: Bush Knew Iraq Info was False CBS News
Date: Sat, 12 Jul 2003 19:00:32 -0400
Message-ID: <>

Truthout Editor's Note | On Thursday,
ran an article entitled 'Bush Knew Iraq Info
Was False.' By Friday afternoon, both the
headline and the content of the article had
changed several times. Below is the original
content of the first CBS article. A 'screen-grab'
of that first CBS article can be seen here.

Bush Knew Iraq Info Was False CBS News

Thursday 10 July 2003

Senior administration officials tell CBS News the
President's mistaken claim that Iraq tried to buy
uranium from Africa was included in his State of the
Union address -- despite objections from the CIA.

Before the speech was delivered, the portions dealing
with Iraq's weapons of mass destruction were checked
with the CIA for accuracy, reports CBS News National
Security Correspondent David Martin.

CIA officials warned members of the President's
National Security Council staff the intelligence was
not good enough to make the flat statement Iraq tried
to buy uranium from Africa.

The White House officials responded that a paper issued
by the British government contained the unequivocal
assertion: "Iraq has ... sought significant quantities
of uranium from Africa." As long as the statement was
attributed to British Intelligence, the White House
officials argued, it would be factually accurate. The
CIA officials dropped their objections and that's how
it was delivered.

"The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein
recently sought significant quantities of uranium from
Africa," Mr. Bush said.

The statement was technically correct, since it
accurately reflected the British paper. But the bottom
line is the White House knowingly included in a
presidential address information its own CIA had
explicitly warned might not be true.

Today at a press conference during the President's trip
to Africa, Secretary of State Colin Powell portrayed it
as an honest mistake.

"There was no effort or attempt on the part of the
president or anyone else in the administration to
mislead or to deceive the American people," said

But eight days after the State of the Union, when
Powell addressed the U.N., he deliberately left out any
reference to Iraqi attempts to buy uranium from Africa.

"I didn't use the uranium at that point because I
didn't think that was sufficiently strong as evidence
to present before the world," Powell said.

That is exactly what CIA officials told the White House
before the State of the Union. The top CIA official,
Director George Tenet, was not involved in those
discussions and apparently never warned the President
he was on thin ice.

Secretary Powell said today he read the State of the
Union speech before it was delivered and understood it
had been seen and cleared by the intelligence
community. But intelligence officials say the director
of the CIA never saw the final draft.

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To see copy of orginal CBS story go to:

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