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[casi] Iraqi Governing Council

1) Thumbnail sketches of members of Iraq's newly named 25-member governing

2) A text of the authorities of the new Iraqi Governing Council, as
described by coalition authorities


Members of Iraq's Governing Council

The Associated Press
Sunday, July 13, 2003; 3:10 PM

Thumbnail sketches of members of Iraq's newly named 25-member governing

AHMAD CHALABI: A Shiite and leader of the London-based anti-Saddam Iraqi
National Congress. Chalabi, a 58-year-old former banker who left Iraq as a
teenager, had been touted in some U.S. government circles as a future Iraqi
leader — though he denies he has any ambitions to lead the country. He also
has many critics who are opposed to anyone ruling Iraq after spending so
many years abroad. Chalabi was convicted in absentia of fraud in a banking
scandal in Jordan in 1989 and sentenced to 20 years in prison. His group is
an umbrella organization for a number of disparate groups, including Kurds
and Shiites.

ABDEL-AZIZ AL-HAKIM: A Shiite and a leader of the Supreme Council for the
Islamic Revolution in Iraq. SCIRI, long based in neighboring Iran, opposes a
U.S. administration in the country but has close ties with the other
U.S.-backed groups that opposed Saddam, including the Kurds and Chalabi's

JALAL TALABANI: A Sunni Kurd and leader of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan.
He and Massoud Barzani of the Kurdistan Democratic Party led the Kurdish
zone in northern Iraq that had near-autonomy from Saddam's regime since the
1991 Gulf War. Born in Kirkuk Province in 1934, Talabani joined the KDP at
the age of 15 and rose to its politburo in 1953. But he broke with the KDP
and founded the PUK in 1957.

MASSOUD BARZANI: A Sunni Kurd and leader of the Kurdistan Democratic Party.
Barzani, 56, leads the KDP, founded in 1946 by his father, the legendary
mountain warrior Mustafa Barzani. He was a teenager when he became an aide
to his father, then became KDP president when his father died in 1979. In
1983, three of his brothers disappeared in what Kurds call an Iraqi massacre
of the Barzani clan when 8,000 people were rounded up by the Baghdad regime.

IBRAHIM AL-JAAFARI: A Shiite and the main spokesman for the Islamic Dawa
Party. The party, once based in Iran, launched a bloody campaign against
Saddam's regime in the late 1970's, but it was crushed in 1982. The group
said it lost 77,000 members in its war against Saddam. Born in Karbala,
al-Jaafari was educated at Mosul University as a medical doctor.

NASEER KAMEL AL-CHADERCHI: A Sunni and leader of the National Democratic
Party. He lives in Baghdad and works as a lawyer, businessman and farmowner.
He is the son of Kamel al-Chaderchi, who played a leading role in Iraq's
democratic development until 1968, when the Baath Party seized power.

IYAD ALLAWI: A Shiite and secretary-general of the Iraq National Accord. He
is a medical doctor and began opposition to the Iraqi regime in the early
1970's. He was at the forefront of efforts to organize opposition both
within Iraq and abroad.

ADNAN PACHACHI: A Sunni who served as foreign minister in the government
deposed by Saddam's Baath party in 1968. The respected, 80-year-old
politician founded the Independent Democratic Movement in February to
provide a platform for Iraqis who back a secular, democratic government. He
returned to Iraq in May after 32 years in exile.

AHMAD SHYA'A AL-BARAK: A Shiite and general coordinator for the Human Rights
Association of Babel. He also is coordinator for the Iraqi Bar Association.
He has worked with U.N. programs in Iraq since 1991 in the Foreign Ministry.

AQILA AL-HASHIMI: A Shiite and diplomat, he led the Iraqi delegation to the
New York donor's conference for Iraq. He holds a doctorate in modern
literature and bachelor's degree in Law.

RAJA HABIB AL-KHUZAAI: A Shiite woman who heads the maternity hospital in
the southern city of Diwaniyah. She studied and lived in Britain from the
late 1960s until 1977, when she returned to Iraq.

HAMID MAJID MOUSSA: A Shiite and secretary of the Iraqi Communist Party
since 1993. He is an economist and petroleum researcher. He left Iraq in
1978 and returned in 1983 to continue his political activities against the
Saddam regime.

MOHAMMED BAHR AL-ULOUM: A highly respected Shiite cleric who returned from
London where he headed the Ahl al-Bayt charitable center. He was elected as
the Shiite member of a leadership triumvirate by the Iraqi opposition after
the 1991 Gulf War.

GHAZI MASHAL AJIL AL-YAWER: A Sunni who was born in the northern city of
Mosul. He is a civil engineer and recently vice president of Hicap
Technology Co. in Saudi Arabia.

MOHSEN ABDEL-HAMID: A Sunni and secretary-general of the Iraqi Islamic
Party. He was born in the northern city of Kirkuk and is author of more than
30 books on interpretation of the Quran. He was detained in 1996 on charge
of reorganizing the IIP.

SAMIR SHAKIR MAHMOUD: A Sunni and member of al-Sumaidy clan. A writer from
the western city of Haditha, he was a prominent figure in the opposition to
Saddam's regime.

MAHMOUD OTHMAN: A Sunni Kurd who is politically independent but a longtime
leader of the Kurdish National Struggle.

SALAHEDDINE MUHAMMAD BAHAAEDDINE: A Sunni Kurd who was first elected
secretary-general of the Kurdistan Islamic Union in the first conference of
the party in 1994. He was born in the Kurdish village of Halabja and has
written several books in Kurdish and Arabic.

YOUNADEM KANA: An Assyrian Christian, secretary-general of the Democratic
Assyrian Movement and active member of the Assyrian-Chaldian Christian
community. He was a former minister of public works and housing and a former
minister of industry and energy in Iraqi Kurdistan. He began activism
against Saddam in 1979.

MOUWAFAK AL-RABII: A Shiite and longtime human rights activists. A member of
the British Royal Doctors' College, he practices internal medicine and

DARA NOOR ALZIN: A Sunni Kurd who served as a judge on the Court of Appeal.
He ruled that of Saddam's edicts — confiscating land without proper
compensation — was unconstitutional. He was sentenced to two years in
prison, eight of them served at the notorious Abu Ghraib prison west of
Baghdad before being released in a general amnesty in October.

SONDUL CHAPOUK: A Turkoman and a woman from the northern city of Kirkuk. She
was trained as an engineer and teacher. She serves as leader of the Iraqi
Women's Organization.

WAEL ABDUL-LATIF: A Shiite lawyer and judge, named governor of the southern
city of Basra on July 4 by local authorities.

ABDUL-KARIM MAHMOUD AL-MOHAMMEDAWI: A Shiite, dubbed "Prince of the Marshes"
for leading the resistance movement against Saddam in the southern march
region of Iraq for 17 years. He was imprisoned for six years and leads the
Iraqi political group Hezbollah in the southern city of Amarah.

ABDEL-ZAHRAA OTHMAN: A Shiite and the leader of the Islamic Dawa Movement in
Basra. He is a writer, philosopher and political activist, who served as
editor of several newspapers and magazines.


A text of the authorities of the new Iraqi Governing Council, as described
by coalition authorities

Monday July 14, 2003

BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) A text of the authorities and responsibilities of the
Iraqi Governing Council that held its inaugural meeting Sunday, according to
a document released by the U.S.-led Coalition Provisional Authority:

The Governing Council is the principal body of the interim administration of
Iraq called for in U.N. Security Council Resolution 1483. It will exercise
specific powers in addition to representing the interests of the Iraqi
people to the Coalition Provisional Authority and the international

Ministerial authorities: The Governing Council shall name an interim
minister for each ministry. Each minister will be responsible to the
Governing Council, reporting back to it regularly. The Governing Council
shall have the authority to dismiss ministers should they lose the Council's

Policy authorities: The coalition will be required to consult with the
Governing Council on all major decisions and questions of policy. The
Governing Council shall have the right to set policies and take decisions in
cooperation with the coalition in any area of national policy, including
financial and economic reform, education, electoral law, health.

The Governing Council shall decide how it wishes to organize itself for the
purpose of preparing new policies. It may choose to form specialist
commissions to generate proposals. It could also include experts from the
United Nations, the coalition or other bodies on such commissions.

Foreign Affairs: In addition to naming Iraq's interim minister of foreign
affairs and overseeing his or her work, the Governing Council will arrange
for international representation during the interim period. Together with
the coalition the Council shall name Iraqi nationals to serve as
representatives to international organizations and conferences. The Council
will also have the authority to appoint heads of Iraq's bilateral missions
abroad and to receive representatives from other countries.

Finance: The Governing Council will name an interim finance minister and
oversee his or her activities. The Council, with the coalition and with the
involvement of the International Monetary Fund, World Bank and the United
Nations Development Program, will play a full part in drawing up the 2004
national budget. The 2004 budget will be subject to Council approval. The
Council will have the right to consider substantial amendments to the 2003
emergency budget. It will also have the right to develop policies regarding
monetary and fiscal matters.

Security: The Governing Council shall have the right to prepare policies on
matters concerning Iraq's national security, including the rebuilding and
reform of Iraq's armed forces, police and justice sector. The Governing
Council will be responsible for ensuring that Iraq's police and military are
de-politicized and that the principle of civilian oversight and supervision
of the military is established.

Operational security matters will remain the responsibility of the coalition
during the period of transition.

Consitutional Process: The Governing Council shall consider appointing a
Preparatory Constitutional Commission to recommend a process by which a new
constitution for Iraq will be prepared and approved. The Commission would
report to the Council. The recommended procedure should lead to a new
constitution based on the principles adopted at the Salahuddin and Nasariyah

Once adopted, the constitution would pave the way for national elections
leading to a new, fully sovereign Iraqi government which will immediately
take over the powers and responsibilities of the coalition.

(Copyright 2003 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)

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