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Re: [casi] An Appeal + Thanks + Respect. Diss.


    As much as I value the integrity and experience of the Skinners, I cannot accept the notion 

        "We all need the cooperation of officials in bureaucracies to attend to our claims. They, 
like ourselves, do not deserve to be blamed nor antagonized when carrying out policies determined by

         I have a grim memory in Baghdad of sitting in a meeting with a high UN official, who 
insisted, (with his press aid by his side) that everything was off the record. It was an utter 
waste of
time. I do feel people, myself included "can be blamed...for carrying out policies determined by 
others." If this is false, than Mr. Eichmann's "I was just following orders" was quite correct. 
Also  the
international law principle that superior orders can be used as a defense only in the mitigation 
phase of trials after the defendant has been found guilty would  also be wrong and the world owes 
corpses of a lot of Germans and Japanese an apology.

        The UN has permitted itself to serve as a fig leaf for U.S. war crimes, as in the case of 
sanctions. That is why Drs. Halliday and his successor Dr. Von Sponeck, resigned rather than 
superior" but illegal orders.

       The people  who followed orders from Washington  to undermine General Dellaire (who 
sacrificed his career and health in an effort to protect the people of Rwanda) were none other than 
prominent folks who were handsomely and promptly rewarded: Albright who went from US Rep. to the UN 
to Sec. of State and the evil chap who has openly sold the UN to private interests and  who is
tragically still in office, the current Secretary General of the UN.  At least Albright is out of 
"public" life.

Thomas J. Nagy

p.s. What has kowtowing to  sleazes advanced our efforts to save innocent life?
I am pacifist, but I think it is apt to use words accurately, even if it offends careerists. I  
wish to make it clear that in my screed I DO NOT include the Skinners, whom I find truly honorable 
supportive folks.

"R. & M. Skinner" wrote:

> [ Presenting plain-text part of multi-format email ]
> Greetings all,
> Could it be accepted that our list is for the exchange of pertinent information that helps each 
>of us in our different and direct fields of endeavour to advise and inform other centres of 
> We all need the cooperation of officials in bureaucracies to attend to our claims. They, like 
>ourselves, do not deserve to be blamed nor antagonized when carrying out policies determined by 
> Experience shows we all need the goodwill of each other and those with whom we may not be in 
>accord but from whom we seek understanding  for the perceived good of mankind.
> With respect to each one and my warm thanks for the information the List has passed to me for use 
>in my direct and non-public communications with policy makers at the highest levels.
> Roy Skinner
> Switzerland
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