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[casi] Centrifugal spin

Greetings to all,

This refers to "PG's" posting of "Memo to Mr Blair."  Somewhat ironically,
anyone who is interested in a quick guide to centrifuge equipment and the
science behind it need look no further than the "Goods Review List" of May
2002, pages 68 and following. Hussein Kamil's interview in 1995 also refers
to the progress Iraq made.

Interesting to note also is that one of the parts hidden in Mahdi Shukur
Obeidi's garden and handed to the CIA recently, appears to have been part
of a bottom bearing assembly for a centrifuge. Until 1991, Obeidi was
responsible for Iraq's centrifuge programme. He and his family have been
removed from Iraq and given protected sanctuary in the USA. CNN interviewed
him. Short video clips of that interview are available. Obeidi buried the
parts and drawings "in a barrel" in 1991 on instructions from Saddam's son
and son-in-law, Kussai and Hussein Kamil. Unfortunately, Obeidi's own words
in respect of the revival of the Iraqi nuclear programme are not reported
or included in the CNN video clips. However, what is beyond doubt is that
in the 12 years since he buried the centrifuge parts and associated
technical drawings, Obeidi was never asked to retrieve them or to resume
work on the programme.

I have seen a report that the CIA removed website photos of the parts,
quoting security concerns. From a limited look at the video, I would hazard
that the aluminium tubes Iraq sought to purchase (81 mm diameter), were
significantly too small in diameter for the bottom bearing assembly shown.

What did Jack Straw say on the subject (Today programme - 14th July)

"May I just say that one of the things which has happened since the fall of
Baghdad has been the discovery in Baghdad of technical documentation and
centrifuge parts which are necessary for the enrichment of uranium which
were buried at the home of an Iraqi nuclear scientist in Baghdad.

Now people don?t bury technical documents, still less parts of centrifuges
unless they have a purpose in doing so and it?s difficult to believe there
was any purpose in doing so except that the preparations were being made
for further development of a nuclear programme."

(My underlining of "were" - Jack Straw's emphasis)

Judge for yourself the degree of spin.

Kind regards,

Mark Galloway

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