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Re: [casi] discrepancy in the papers - the dead are coming alive

This discrepancy may be due to one figure being the number killed *in
combat*, and the other being the number who have *died*, because of combat,
accidents etc... I stumbled across the following web-site earlier today,
which has more information on this and is keeping tabs on all deaths of US
soldiers in Iraq, combat and non-combat:

See also the piece below which talks about a 'staggering number of
non-combat deaths.'

Best wishes,


JULY 17, 2003
Media Underplays U.S. Death Toll in Iraq
Soldiers Dead Since May Is 3 Times Official Count

By Greg Mitchell

NEW YORK -- News Analysis

Any way you look at it, the news is bad enough. According to Thursday's
press and television reports, 33 U.S. soldiers have now died in combat since
President Bush declared an end to the major fighting in the war on May 2.
This, of course, is a tragedy for the men killed and their families, and a
problem for the White House.

But actually the numbers are much worse -- and rarely reported by the media.

According to official military records, the number of U.S. soldiers who have
died in Iraq since May 2 is actually 85. This includes a staggering number
of non-combat deaths. Even if killed in a non-hostile action, these soldiers
are no less dead, their families no less aggrieved. And it's safe to say
that nearly all of these people would still be alive if they were still back
in the States.

Nevertheless, the media continues to report the much lower figure of 33 as
if those are the only deaths that count.

A Web site called Iraq Coalition Casualty Count
( is tracking the deaths, by
whatever cause, of U.S. military personnel in Iraq, based on official
Pentagon and CENTCOM press releases and Army Times and CNN casualty
trackers. Their current count is 85 since May 2.

Looking at the entire war, there was much fanfare Thursday over the fact
that the latest U.S. combat death this week pushed the official total to
148 -- finally topping the 147 figure for Gulf War 1. However, according to
the Iraq Coalition Casualty Count, the total number of all U.S. deaths,
combat and otherwise, in Iraq is actually 224.

This Web site not only counts deaths, it describes each one in whatever
detail (often sketchy) the military provides, along with the name and age
and home town of each fatality.

An analysis of the 85 deaths by E&P reveals that nearly as many U.S.
military personnel have died in vehicle accidents (17) as from gunshot
wounds (19). Ten have died after grenade attacks and seven from accidental
explosions, another seven in helicopter crashes. Six were killed by what is
described as "non-hostile" gunshots, and three have drowned.

The vast majority of those killed -- at least 70% -- were age 18 to 30 but
several soldiers in their 40s or 50s have also perished. Pentagon officials
also disclosed that there have been about five deaths among troops assigned
to the Iraq mission that commanders say might have been suicides. As
inquiries continue, one official said the susupected suicides were not
clustered in any single time period that might indicate a related cause.

The most recent non-combat death was Cory Ryan Geurin, age 18, a Marine
lance corporal from Santee, Calif. "He was standing post on a palace roof in
Babylon when he fell approximately 60 feet," the site said.

On July 13, Jaror C. Puello-Coronado, 36, an Army sergeant, died while
"manning a traffic point when the operator of a dump truck lost control of
the vehicle."

Another soldier, still officially listed as "Unknown," died on July 13 "from
a non-hostile gunshot incident," according to the site.

Before that, on July 9, another Marine Lance Corporal, age 20, died in
Kuwait "in a vehicle accident."

Many other deaths are only vaguely described as the "result of non-combat
injuries." One recent death occurred in a mine-clearing accident. Others
"drowned" or "died of natural causes," and still others lost their lives in
a "vehicle accident."
E&P welcomes letters to the editor:

Source: Editor & Publisher Online

----- Original Message -----
From: "Rania Masri" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2003 7:02 PM
Subject: [casi] discrepancy in the papers - the dead are coming alive

[ Presenting plain-text part of multi-format email ]

The Associated Press, 10th July


The Pentagon said Wednesday 1,044 American servicemen and women have been
wounded in action or injured since the war in Iraq began March 20. Of that
total, 382 have been wounded or injured since Bush declared major combat
over, according to the Pentagon's figures. Of the 212 U.S. troops who have
died in Iraq since the war began, 74 died after May 1, not including
Thursday's toll.'

Note, though, that the press recently has been saying that 36 Americans have
been killed after May 1st!


"I think all foreigners should stop interfering in the internal affairs of

- U.S. Deputy 'Defense' Secretary Paul Wolfowitz,  as quoted by Reuters on
Monday July 21

We who believe in freedom cannot rest until it comes.

- Ella Baker


Raņia Masri

Director, Southern Peace Research and Education Center

Institute for Southern Studies <>

Tel: (919) 419.8311. x27

Fax: (919) 419.8315

2009 Chapel Hill Rd.

Durham, North Carolina  27707

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