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[casi] Greek lawyers to sue Blair over war

Hi all,

Has anybody got hold of the text (either English or Greek) of that legal


"The ICC has already rejected almost 40 cases over the war in Iraq."

Does someone know any specifics about those rejections?

Many thanks in advance.




Published: 2003/07/28 10:22:30 GMT

Lawyers to sue Blair over war

By Richard Galpin
BBC Athens correspondent

Top lawyers from Greece are travelling to the International Criminal
Court in The Hague on Monday to file a lawsuit against senior UK

They will accuse the prime minister and other senior members of the
government and military of breaching international law by attacking

The Athens Bar Association (ABA) believes it has strong evidence and is
seeking the indictment of Mr Blair.

The ABA will file the lawsuit with the prosecutor of the ICC who will
then have to decide whether it merits further investigation.

The court was established to try cases of war crimes, genocide and
crimes against humanity.

Among those named in the lawsuit are Mr Blair, Defence Secretary Geoff
Hoon and Foreign Secretary Jack Straw.

The Greek lawyers announced in May they would try to take legal action
against the British Government and military.

They said the war in Iraq breached international treaties such as the
Charter of the United Nations, the Geneva Conventions and the ICC's own

But the British Government has always argued that the invasion of Iraq
was in accordance with international law.

The Greek case has several hurdles to clear before proceeding at the

After the prosecutor has reached his conclusion, three judges must also
decide whether the court has jurisdiction.

The ICC has already rejected almost 40 cases over the war in Iraq.

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