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Re: [casi] America's Uday and Qusay Conjuring Trick

>Supporters of the 'liberation coalition',
>(so dubbed) apparently believed the story. Most
>non-supporters as well. In Rumsfeld, NYT and BBC
>we trust. And this at a time when people are
>wailing 'we have been lied to'... about WMDs,
>uranium, dossiers, and so on.

There is story concerning the spin on this, which may be a more important
one. It's possible they are dead, but if not, that means they are alive
-- and may show up publicly sometime, which would be interesting indeed!

They might also have been killed weeks ago, and the report kept under
(frozen) wraps for announcement at a "better time", politically. The
trick is to judge the odds of an event by the circumstances, but not rely
on what is said, since we already know they are liars (although even
liars *might* tell the truth sometimes).

In any case this shows the us leaders for what they are. There was an old
Star Trek episode where Captain Kirk was transported to an alternative
reality, where the Federation of Planets was an evil empire. "How did you
manage to fool the "other Starship Enterprise" crew, when it was so easy
for us to discover the evil Kirk was an imposter?", Kirk was asked. He
said it was not too difficult: it is so much easier for a civilized
person to pretend to be barbaric than for a barbarian to pretend to be
civilized. Yup! Hopefully most everyone will catch on before too much
longer. I guess most Iraqis already have.

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