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[casi] !OT? US: Cultural fascism manifests itself in an aversion to thought

>"But the detritus and debris that American education has >become is both
planned and instrumental.

>It's why our media succeeds in telling lies.
>It's why our secretary of state can quote from a >graduate-student

Yes. It's why I dropped out of high school. It was typified by the
American history teacher who handed out a sheet of the silly rules he
invented (regarding things such how many papers would be required, how to
raise one's hand to go to the lavatory, and when one could ask a question
in class), announcing "This is the Class Constitution!"

A few years later he became principle of the school, and eventually the
superintendent of schools. Some people, when I have complained about the
"education" which the state attempted to impose on me say "That was 40
years ago -- get over it." I say "That was 40 years ago, and as far as
know that same man (or a virtual clone) is still running that town's
school system."

Yes, of course -- the purpose of the public, government run, schools
sytem is to teach kids to sit down, shut up, and do what they are told -
in preparation for doing the same in a job and paying their taxes on
time. Most teachers and administrators either knuckle under to the system
or quit in disgust.

Bush's emphasis on standardized testing (underfunded mandate) --
memorization, conformity, and forcing schools to "teach to the test" --
is just another brick in the all. And, I am afraid that the disease of
America -- and Americanization -- is an under-reported pandemic.

We hear that the new textbooks for Iraq are being re-written to "remove"
propaganda. The water, electricy, and hospitals are not fully
operational, but we hear that every university is functioning. What's
going on? Hearts and minds, folks, hearts and minds. The US TV station
hasn't been too effective, but we can't always rely on Bush's

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