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[casi] BBC News: US troops shoot Iraq cameraman

BBC News: US troops shoot Iraq cameraman
18 August, 2003

The Pentagon has confirmed that US troops have shot and
killed a cameraman working for Reuters news agency in Iraq.

The shooting happened at Abu Ghraib prison, west of Baghdad,
where six Iraqis were killed in a mortar attack late on

The US military said that soldiers had mistaken Mazen Dana's
camera for a rocket propelled grenade launcher.

The 43-year-old Palestinian was described by Reuters as one
of its finest cameramen.

His death brings to 19 the number of journalists and their
assistants who have died in Iraq or have gone missing since
the conflict began.

Two shots

The incident took place in daylight on Sunday afternoon.

Mazen Dana's last pictures show a US tank driving towards
him outside the prison walls.

Several shots ring out from the tank and the camera falls to
the ground.

His sound engineer, Nael al-Shyoukhi, said that the pair had
spoken to a US soldier near the prison shortly before the

"They saw us and they knew about our identities and our
mission," he said.

Two shot were fired from a US tank.

Mr al-Shyoukhi said that the cameraman was hit in the chest.
He was taken to a US military hospital but pronounced dead
on arrival.


Pentagon spokesman Lieutenant Colonel Ken McClellan said
that it "was not apparent in the beginning that it was a

"Obviously this coalition is not in the business of
targeting reporters ... if he was shot there was something
mistaking his identity," said the spokesman.

Reuters Chief Executive Tom Glocer said he hoped there would
be "the fullest and most comprehensive investigation into
this terrible tragedy".

Dana was married with four children, and won an
International Press Freedom Award in 2001 from the Committee
to Protect Journalists for his work in the West Bank town of

He is the second Reuters cameraman to be killed since US-led
troops invaded Iraq.

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