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Re: [casi] UN Blast

>Another possibility The US itself in an effort to justify >it's invasion
of Iraq by assosiating 'Iraq' and >'terrorism' in the minds on the
American people.
>Alun Harford

It's possible, and there could also be the motive of discouraging efforts
to get the UN to take a more active part in Iraq. It could be the work of
a small extreme faction within the US.

Still, this is just more speculation -- a possibility to keep in mind
while trying to make sense of it all. What is needed is some solid
investigation, and openness as to results -- just the sort of thing Bush
avoids. But who else is there in Iraq who could investigate?

This is one other reason to get the world community involved in Iraq --
to keep everyone honest. But again a reason for Bush to oppose that: to
avoid accountability.

I saw a post late last night on IAC discussion referring to an article
blaming the CIA for the UN blast. We can bet there are any number of
others who have such suspicions -- and many of those will be in Iraq,
willing to believe it, and to seek revenge.

That's a big problem with secrecy: when truth and openness is repressed
even the very worst case possibilities become more believable, resulting
in more polarization and conflict. Similarly, as the US grabs more power
in Iraq, more responsibility is assigned to them regardless is what
happens is beyond US control. The UN might have decided they wanted
minimal security to set it apart from the US seige mentality of Bremer,
and be closer to the people, but the US is taking heat for that lack of
security. Questions include how that truck got through when so many
Iraqis are stopped at check points, and how so much high explosive was
available when the US is mounting such effort to be the only party with

I saw an article about how kids are recovering copper from discarded
ammunition to make a few thousand Dinars, and another story about the US
stopping copper ingots from going across the border, I suppose to try to
discourage stripping power lines. But when stopping the flow cuts into
the kids' money, which supports families, then the US takes the
responsibility for the hunger too.

How much responsibility does the US have for the UN blast even if it
wasn't a CIA operation (which it well could have been, of course)? The
answer is quite a bit, because the US has TAKEN responsibility for all
that happens in Iraq. They are as guilty of sins of ommission as well as
commission. We saw Bush trying to avoid responsibility for the uranium
reference in his speech, but it didn't wash -- and neither will trying to
avoid responsibility for the UN blast and dealing with the resulting
situation. It's YOUR war, King George (and your bag of worms)!

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