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Re: [casi] OT - Fast Food to a Fast Grave.

Dear List,

 (1) I am afraid I am forced to place Darin Zeilweg on receive-only, as his
posts to the list have sofar had (a) little or nothing to do with the
current situation in Iraq, (b) have been chiefly destructive in intent.

 (2) can we please not get into any politicised or other discussion of fast
food! the topic for the casi-discuss-list should be Iraqi reconstruction
(in a broad sense)!

thanks a lot


Nicholas Martin
CASI Lists Manager -

> To Darin & List,
> Do you realise that you got me into trouble, Darin? Someone complained,
> in a personal e-mail, about my swearing. My ?mistake had been to quote
> from an earlier e-mail, from yourself, about "....B...S..." - ("Return to
> Sender!"). But, I'm not expecting you to suffer great pangs of
> conscience.
> 'Return to Sender', as you probably know, is an Elvis Presley song. He
> went to an early grave, very likely for having severely mistreated his
> own body, because of poor life-style. If you over-indulge in substantial
> solid "foods" that Western imperialism fills your plate with, then, by
> all means, go to town on McDonald's, KFC & other junk foods. Then
> lighting up a cig or two, with your coffee? The price to pay, though, is
> high: possibly, a mortal stroke or heart attack. Rather than digging your
> grave with a knife & fork, how about some "liberal" questioning of
> values, which won't take you on the road to ruin, nor sections of the
> Iraqi population?
> You really do amaze me, Darin: "Ladies and Gentlemen" - a mark of
> respect!!! Or is it merely symptoms of 'Blue Rubber Bleb (Bleb?) Nevis
> Syndrome' - no known cure?
> Good advice not to believe all you read. But how do I know something is
> garbage - because you say so?
> Am I not allowed to draw my own conclusions?
> What is right, or wrong, for Iraqis, for Americans (North, South &
> Central) - incl. Darin - or for others in the world, is a very important
> question. To confront it requires seriousness, clarity plus some
> understanding of the situation. Do we possess such qualities, and are we
> prepared to use them? Or are we much too busy clogging up our cerebral
> arteries with fatty substances, of very little real nourishment, from
> Fast Food?
> Politics aside, you advocate helping hungry/homeless persons, instead of
> wasting time with trivial pursuits.
> Are you speaking from first-hand experience, or is it just superficial
> theorising?
> Greetings,
> Bert.
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Nicholas Martin
CASI Lists Manager -

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