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[casi] Horrifying US Secret Weapon Unleashed In Baghdad



Horrifying US Secret
Weapon Unleashed In Baghdad
Exclusive By Bill Dash
c. 2003 All Rights Reserved

        A nightmarish US super weapon reportedly was employed by American
ground forces during chaotic street fighting in Baghdad. The secret
tank-mounted weapon was witnessed in all its frightening power by Majid
al-Ghazali, a seasoned Iraqi infantryman who described the device and its
gruesome effects as unlike anything he had ever encountered in his lengthy
military service. The disturbing revelation is yet another piece of
cinematic evidence brought back from postwar Iraq by intrepid filmmaker
Patrick Dillon.

        In the film, al-Ghazali, whose english is less than fluent,
describes the weapon as reminiscent of a flame thrower, only immensely more
powerful. It is unclear what principle the weapon is based on. Searching for
a description, al-Ghazali said it appeared to be shooting concentrated
lightning bolts rather than just ordinary flames. Drawing on his many years
as a professional engineer, al-Ghazali speculates that radiation of some
kind probably figures into the weapon's hideous capabilities. Like all men
in Saddam's Iraq, al-Ghazali was compelled to serve in the Iraqi equivalent
of the Army National Guard and fought in three wars over the past thirty-odd
years. Via email, he told me he has seen virtually every type of
conventional weapon employed in battle, and is well acquainted with their
effects on people and machines, but nothing in his extensive combat
experience prepared him for the shock of what he saw in Baghdad on April

        On that date, al-Ghazali and his family sheltered in their house as
a fierce street battle erupted in his neighborhood. In the midst of the
fighting, he noticed that the Americans had called up an oddly configured
tank. Then to his amazement the tank suddenly let loose a blinding stream of
what seemed like fire and lightning, engulfing a large passenger bus and
three automobiles. Within seconds the bus had become semi-molten, sagging
"like a wet rag" as he put it. He said the bus rapidly melted under this
withering blast, shrinking until it was a twisted blob about the dimensions
of a VW bug. As if that were not bizarre enough, al-Ghazali explicitly
describes seeing numerous human bodies shriveled to the size of newborn
babies. By the time local street fighting ended that day, he estimates
between 500 and 600 soldiers and civilians had been cooked alive as a result
of the mysterious tank-mounted device.

        In a city littered everywhere with burned-out civilian and military
vehicles, US forces were abnormally scrupulous about immediately detailing
bulldozers and shovel crews to the job of burying the grim wreckage.
Nevertheless, telltale remnants remained as Dillon found when al-Ghazali
later took him to the site. Dillon said they easily uncovered large puddles
of resolidified metal and mounds of weird fibrous material that, al-Ghazali
explained, were all that remained of the vehicles' tires. Dillon, who
accumulated plenty of battlefield experience as a medic in Viet-Nam, and has
since covered a number of wars from Somalia to Kosovo, told me that he has
witnessed every kind of conventional ordnance that can be used on humans and
vehicles. " I've seen a freaking smorgasbord of destruction in my life," he
said, "flame-throwers, napalm, white phosphorous, thermite, you name it. I
know of nothing short of an H-bomb that conceivably might cause a bus to
instantly liquefy or that can flash broil a human body down to the size of
an infant. God pity humanity if that thing is a preview of what's in store
for the 21st century."

        For Majid al-Ghazali, images of the terrifying weapon and its
victims haunt his every day. In addition to his work as an engineer, he is
also a highly accomplished classical violinist, occupying the first chair in
the Baghdad Symphony. He is widely acknowledged as one of the preeminent
violinists in the Middle East. Besides his family, one of his greatest joys
is teaching at Baghdad's premier music conservatory. Unfortunately, the
conservatory was utterly destroyed. Yet somehow, despite the war's horrors
and its seemingly endless privations, he manages to maintain a remarkably
hopeful outlook. He recently informed me that the Baghdad Symphony continues
to exist and has been invited to perform in the United States in December.

        Copyright ©2003 - Bill Dash

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