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[casi] Amy Goodman, Greg Palast, Scott Ritter, Depleted Uranium Tour,Doug Rokke, Marc Herold, Randy Kehler and Juanita Nelson

Substantial web site and organizing updates: More details at

Hear Amy Goodman on the fraudulent war  against Iraq (thanks Senator Kennedy
for pointing this out again) and the attacks against Civil Liberties, and
Greg Palast on the stealing of the US election, disenfranchisement of blacks
in the US and corporate power and influence on US politics.  They spoke to
hundreds at the One World Fair in Cummington, MA this weekend. Their talks
are available for download and listening.

Scott Ritter is speaking at Traprock's 24th anniversary celebration and fund
raiser on Oct 7, 2003 at Frontier Regional School, South Deerfield, MA.
Acclaimed film maker (An Act of Conscience) plans to film the event, which
will also feature Randy Kehler, the first director of Traprock and then the
national Freeze (later joining with SANE, later becoming Peace Action) and
Juanita Nelson, pioneer with her beloved husband, the late Wally Nelson, in
the civil rights and tax resistance movements.

The fall DU Tour is shaping up, with up to 15 events in up to 11 states,
with presentations at the World Uranium Weapons Conference in Germany, Oct
16-19. Traprock's Sunny Miller will serve as a moderator at the conference.

Marc Herold has given the Traprock website an exclusive preview of his
forthcoming book on Afghanistan. Read his section on Afghanistan's Kuchi
Nomads as a pdf file.

Charles Jenks, attorney at law
President of the Core Group
Traprock Peace Center
103A Keets Road
Deerfield, MA 01342
413-773-1633; Fax 413-773-7507

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