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[casi] Iraqi defectors' weapons claims were 'false'

Unfortunately, these same "liars" sit in what is
called an Iraqi Governing Council, and we are supposed
to respect them and believe their new lies!!


Iraqi defectors' weapons claims were 'false'

Julian Borger, Washington
Tuesday September 30, 2003
The Guardian

US military intelligence has concluded that almost all
the claims made by Iraqi defectors about Saddam
Hussein's alleged secret weapons were either useless
or false, it was reported yesterday.
The assessment by the Pentagon defence intelligence
agency (DIA), leaked to US journalists, amounts to an
indictment of the Iraqi National Congress, which
brought the defectors to Washington's attention,
adding to the momentum towards invasion. A DIA
official would not confirm or deny the report's
existence yesterday, saying any such document would be
classified, but adding: "Any intelligence we get from
an individual we never use as a sole source but we add
it to our database.

"We don't make decisions or take action based on sole

The leak reflects a growing backlash by the US
intelligence agencies - principally the CIA, DIA and
the state department's intelligence arm - whose
findings and recommendations on Iraq were overruled
before the war in favour of far more sensational
assessments made by ideologically driven groups in the
Pentagon and the vice-president's office.

"All this is coming out now, because they didn't have
the political spine to do it before," said Vincent
Cannistraro, a former head of CIA counter-intelligence

"Now the tide has turned internally in terms of the
use of intelligence before the war."

In another sign of that turning tide, the CIA
director, George Tenet, has asked the justice
department to investigate allegations that one or more
administration officials leaked the name of a CIA
analyst married to a prominent critic of the
administration's Iraq policy, Joseph Wilson.

Mr Wilson, a former ambassador and a member of the
national security council, has said he believes the
leak came direct from the White House, and has hinted
that one of the sources could have been President
Bush's chief political adviser, Karl Rove.

The White House spokesman Scott McClellan said: "There
has been absolutely nothing brought to our attention
that suggests White House involvement."

The DIA report strikes at the heart of
administration's justification for going to war: that
the Iraqi regime represented an imminent danger to the
US because of its development of weapons of mass

A report by a CIA-led search team, the Iraqi Survey
Group, due to be delivered to Congress this week, is
expected to confirm that no stockpiles of such weapons
have been found after a six-month hunt.

Much of the US and British case against Saddam was
built on the testimony of defectors, and in
Washingtonat least, most of those defectors were
shepherded out of Iraq by the INC.

DIA officials interviewed about half a dozen defectors
in European capitals and in the Kurdish-run northern
city of Irbil in late 2002 and 2003.

They brought with them claims that Saddam was
continuing to build biological, chemical and nuclear
weapons underground and undetected by UN inspectors.

But according to the DIA report, only a third of the
information they provided was of any interest, and
most of the leads arising from the rest proved

The INC defectors were largely spurned by the CIA and
state department, who believed they were concocting
stories in the hope of being resettled in the US.

But they won an enthusiastic audience in the
Pentagon's office of special plans (OSP), set up after
September 11, which became a parallel civilian channel
for intelligence on Iraq, operating independently of
the uniformed officers running the DIA.

According to yesterday's edition of Time magazine, the
INC's American representative in Washington, Francis
Brooke, was in weekly contact with the head of the
OSP, William Luti, in the build-up to the war.

Neither Mr Brooke nor the INC office in Washington
returned calls yesterday.

The OSP has been disbanded since the war, but its
staff remains at work under different titles in the

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