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RE: [casi] Media and press agencies cooperating in faking mass grave sites?

I, too, am sick of the insensitivity of the unholy alliance between Saddam's apologists and the 
loony ultra leftists, who add insult to injury. The former have lost their idol and the latter have 
just woken up belatedly to join the bandwagon of anti-Americanism. Why did not they do so when 
America, all capitalist and almost all other governments were hand in glove with Saddam, even when 
he invaded Iran, using chemical weapons against them and Iraqi Kurds ? Where were they when Saddam 
invaded Kuwait? Where have they been all my life ?
It is for the Iraqi people to judge Saddam's rule, the last war and the Iraqi Governing Council. 
Non-Iraqis are politely  reminded to limit their remit to the implications of the Iraqi issue on 
their respective internal politics. At least they are familiar with their own language, culture and 
way of life. Which is more than can be said of their familiarity with the language, culture and way 
of life of Iraq, let alone its political complexities. As Iraqis, we do not expect them to have 
that familiarity, but they should have the common courtesy to ask us if they want to be helpful 
internationalists. They should refrain from issuing political Fatwas(edicts) on Iraq from the 
comfort of their ivory towers supplied by courtesy of their capitalist states. How could those who 
were neither born in Iraq, nor lived there, nor even followed the tragic situation in Iraq in the 
pre-Gulf war past, be more Iraqi than Iraqis themselves ? I, by virtue of having been born and bred 
in Iraqi Kurdistan, where I finished my schooling and came to the U.K. for studying 45 years ago, 
am more qualified and entitled to speak on Iraq than the entire loony leftists of this wide world. 
Some of them have the audacity to preach to us about our own Iraqi issue.
This latest accusation qualifies as a tasteless sick joke, which should be confined to the family 
albums of such apologists and loony left.
The markers of Saddam's apologists and the loony ultra leftists are:
1. Lack of any positive idea, let alone action, to improve the life of the Iraqi people.
2. They manipulate the plight of the Iraqi people as pawns in their ideological opposition to 
capitalist states.
3. Their reporting and comments on post-Saddam Iraq is conspicuous by the absence of anything 
positive in the current situation, it is all doom and gloom.
4. Their slogans on sanctions, pre-war and post-war are exactly those of Saddam, such as their 
latest march in London on 27th September 2003.

-----Original Message-----
From: Yasser Alaskary []
Sent: 29 September 2003 16:57
Subject: Re: [casi] Media and press agencies cooperating in faking mass grave sites?

you make me sick.

we've been to the first site looking for the body my aunt. they are real.

i can't believe how insensitive and pathetic some people can be.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Tom Young" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 3:04 PM
Subject: [casi] Media and press agencies cooperating in faking mass grave

In a list that relies heavily on cut and pastes from major news
organisations (including the Washington Post and even, God help us, the
Washington Times - outlets although interesting are not well known for
independence from the US policy line) its worth examining just how reliable
and unbiased as sources these organisations may be.

In light of the revelations in the Bulletin magazine of Australia, that an
ABC photojournalist killed in Northern Iraq had also been free-lancing for
Rendon Group - an important CIA subcontractor - its worth remembering just
how powerful images can be in shaping the publicīs view of the morality of
their governmentīs actions.

The following 2 photos, sourced from the US state department website, but
credited to Associated Press, emphasize these concerns.  Interested in
Particularly as to the involvement of senior British "humanitarian"
politicians in what appears to be a faked mass grave site.

 Link 1
An AP photo of British politician and human rights envoy.  The viewer is
invited to see these white bags as representing human corpses.

In my view these are far more likely to represent bags of earth.
Firstly because the well-rounded and filled out nature of the bags.
Secondly, the fact they are scattered in great disorder.  Thirdly, they are
sitting on the surface with no indication of a hole or excavation in the
ground from which remains have been removed.

Link 2
This one is little better.  While a man is running around carrying what
looks like a human skull, the pit that is in the centre of the photo looks
like just that, a pit.  It appears to be dug at random and is now quite deep
without showing any human remains.  If any had been present they would have
been disintegrated by the the very clumsy method of excavation.  In any case
by looking at the profile of
the soil revealed on the side it appears the site has been previously
undisturbed for many decades.


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