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[casi] On Silly boys:

[ Presenting plain-text part of multi-format email ]

A discussion group on the net known as "Peevish Comments" had the following

Prior to this he wrote his usual about some CASI members.  You have to give
ol' Darin credit for being able to string complex sentences together.

Darin wrote:
I love CASI and all of its members. I'm a right-winger, hired by an
organization to "bully" members that do not accept my form of democracy. I think CASI
is very right-wing posing as left-wing. God bless them and God bless these here
fine United States!DarinPosted by <A HREF="">Darin Zieldweger</A> at 
September 23, 2003
06:33 AM

Followed by:
We have collected and copied everything he sent and sent it all to the
police. They are tracking him down in Washington State, so don't worry. A court
order is demanding release his information as we speak :-)Posted by <A 
Jess</A> at October 11, 2003 12:03 PM

I did not want those of us at CASI to feel too special, apparently DARIN does
this sort of thing for a living.  You have to love CAPITALISM.  Congrats to
DARIN for having a job when so many in the US do not.

Roger Stroope
Northern Arizona University
Flagstaff USA

~Just 10% of our military budget spent yearly on the United States could give
every high school graduate a college education for four years.

~The proposed $48 billion increase in military spending for next year (2004)
is bigger than the total military budget of any other country on earth.

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