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Re: [casi] After oil for food

Dear Mr. Dread - Mark Parkinson,

There is a reason that no one answered your question
before.  That would be because the truth is too much
for the vile C.A.S.I. filth to bear.

Haven't you heard?  Reports started emerging as early
as last March when the Brits reached Basra that there
was no humanitarian catastrophe, and the reports
continued to emerge through all of April.  In May of
this year, after returning from Iraq, the President of
the International Committee of the Red Cross, stated
that there is no dramatic or serious humanitarian
crisis in Iraq.

This news must come as an absolute shock to you.  Lets
just hope that your genetic predisposition to all
things gloom and doom doesn't bestow upon you a sense
of disappointment that 8,000 kids aren't falling over
dead every month.

The reason that you are so out of touch with reality
is because your plugged into the C.A.S.I. septic tank.
 That's right.  Look at C.A.S.I. as a large septic
tank full of sewage with an I.V. line running out of
it that plugs right into your vein.

The more I think about it, that is quite a good

C.A.S.I. - Doping people up on pure bullshit.


> It's almost as if there is a news blackout on this.

Why Mark Parkinson, haven't you heard?

Mark Parkinson wrote:
> I was surprised that this hadn't been picked up on
> this List. At the end of August I asked the
> following:
> "During the sanctions, a working figure of 5000 dead
>  children a month was used (or 8000 of all ages).
> Does anyone have an idea of whether the number of
> deaths has increased (due to the collapse of
> government etc) or decreased (due to the easing of
> sanctions and the release of frozen Iraqi deposits)?
> It seems to be even harder to get real info out of
> Iraq now."
> Not surprisingly, the focus is on security and
> violent deaths but I'm concerned about the deaths
> to the damage done to Iraq's infrastructure and the
> removal of its government and institutions.
> It's almost as if there is a news blackout on this.
> Is Bremer's plan a sign that food supplies and
> distribution are getting much better or is it purely

> a doctrinal approach?

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