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Re: [casi] Inquiry Faults Intelligence on Iraq

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In a message dated 10/24/2003 10:34:28 AM Central Daylight Time, writes:
"I worry about the credibility of the intelligence
community," said Roberts, who added that he is
concerned about demoralizing the intelligence agencies
when intensive counterterrorism operations are going
on overseas. Still, he insisted, "If there's stuff on
the fan, we have to get the fan cleaned."
well what do you know!!! it seems to me this is a very good definition of
spin...and telegraphs the intentions of senator roberts: when the 'stuff' hits
the fan, these fellows will clean the fan. i laugh in severe pain!  does he give
thought to eliminating ( no pun intended) this 'stuff'? considering that he
and most of the senators ate 'stuff'  for so long?
these folks will conclude that all the president's men failed the executive
as they prepare him for the election. some will fall on their sword,
comfortably knowing their future is guaranteed employment with haliburton, bechtel, or
the carlyle group. where are you john majors?


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