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[casi] Project Rockingham: Maintain a public mindset,3604,1089931,00.html

The very secret service

David Kelly referred obliquely to Operation Rockingham. What role did this
mysterious cell play in justifying the Iraq war?

Michael Meacher
Friday November 21, 2003
The Guardian

David Kelly, giving evidence to the prime minister's intelligence and
security committee in closed session on July 16 - the day before his
suicide - made a comment the significance of which has so far been missed.
He said: "Within the defence intelligence services I liaise with the
Rockingham cell." Unfortunately nobody on the committee followed up this
lead, which is a pity because the Rockingham reference may turn out to be
very important indeed.
What is the role of the Rockingham cell? The evidence comes from a former
chief weapons inspector in Iraq, Scott Ritter, who had been a US military
intelligence officer for eight years and served on the staff of General
Schwarzkopf, the US commander of allied forces in the first Gulf war. He has
described himself as a card-carrying Republican who voted for Bush, but he
distinguished himself in insisting before the Iraq war, and was almost alone
in doing so, that almost all of Iraq's WMD had been destroyed as a result of
inspections, and the rest either used or destroyed in the first Gulf war. In
terms, therefore, of proven accuracy of judgment and weight of experience of
the workings of western military intelligence, he is a highly reliable

In an interview in the Scottish Sunday Herald in June, Ritter said:
"Operation Rockingham [a unit set up by defence intelligence staff within
the MoD in 1991] cherry-picked intelligence. It received hard data, but had
a preordained outcome in mind. It only put forward a small percentage of the
facts when most were ambiguous or noted no WMD... It became part of an
effort to maintain a public mindset that Iraq was not in compliance with the
inspections. They had to sustain the allegation that Iraq had WMD [when]
Unscom was showing the opposite."

Rockingham was, in fact, a clearing house for intelligence, but one with a
predetermined political purpose. According to Ritter, "Britain and America
were involved [in the 1990s and up to 2003] in a programme of joint
exploitation of intelligence from Iraqi defectors. There were mountains of
information coming from these defectors, and Rockingham staff were receiving
it and then selectively culling [picking out] reports that sustained the
[WMD] claims. They ignored the vast majority of the data which mitigated
against such claims."

Only one other official reference to Operation Rockingham is on record, in
an aside by Brigadier Richard Holmes when giving evidence to the defence
select committee in 1998. He linked it to Unscom inspections, but it was
clear that the Rockingham staff included military officers and intelligence
services representatives together with civilian MoD personnel. Within,
therefore, the UK intelligence establishment - MI6, MI5, GCHQ and defence
intelligence - Rockingham clearly had a central, though covert, role in
seeking to prove an active Iraqi WMD programme.

One of its tactics, which Ritter cites, is its leaking of false information
to weapons inspectors, and then, when the search is fruitless, using that as
"proof" of the weapons' existence. He quotes a case in 1993 when "Rockingham
was the source of some very controversial information which led to
inspections of a suspected ballistic missile site. We ... found nothing.
However, our act of searching allowed the US and UK to say that the missiles

A parallel exercise was set up by Donald Rumsfeld in the US, named the
Office of Special Plans. The purpose of this intelligence agency was the
provision of selective intelligence which met the demands of its political
masters. Similarly, in the case of the UK, Ritter insists that Rockingham
officers were acting on political orders "from the very highest levels".

Both Ritter and British intelligence sources have said that the selective
intelligence gathered by Operation Rockingham would have been passed to the
joint intelligence committee (JIC), which was behind the dossiers published
by the UK government claiming Iraq had WMDs.

The significance of this is highlighted by Tony Blair's statement: "The
intelligence that formed the basis of what we put out last September... came
from the JIC assessment." So Rockingham was an important tributary flowing
into the government's rationale for the war.

This shoehorning of intelligence data to fit pre-fixed political goals, both
in the US and the UK, throws new light on the two most controversial
elements of the government's dossier of September 2002. One was that Iraq
could launch WMD within 45 minutes. Was this "sexed up" on the orders of No
10 or - derived allegedly from an Iraqi brigadier via an informant - did
Rockingham put a gloss on it to please its political masters? The other
highly contentious item in the dossier was that Saddam tried to buy uranium
yellowcake from Africa. How did material that the International Atomic
Energy Agency concluded on February 4 was a blatant forgery come to be
included in President Bush's January 28 State of the Union address? And,
since the British were named as the source, why did MI6 not spot this
outlandish forgery? In fact, they alleged that the Niger claim came from
another independent source, which has never been identified. Could this be
because this disinformation served the Rockingham purpose only too well?

It is not only the massaging of intelligence that seems to have gone on, but
also the suppression of the most reliable assessment of the facts. David
Kelly, we now know, had been advising privately prior to the war about the
likelihood of Iraqi WMD. He told the foreign affairs select committee: "I
have no idea whether there were weapons or not at that time [of the
September 2002 dossier]". And to the intelligence and security committee the
next day he added: "The 30% probability is what I have been saying all the
way through ... I said that to many people ... it was a statement I would
have probably made for the last six months." Yet this view from the leading
expert within government never saw the light of day. Why not?

If the tabloid headlines the day after the September dossier was published
had read: "Blair says only 30% chance Iraq has WMDs" rather than "Brits 45
mins from doom" (the Sun), would the Commons vote still have backed the war?
Rarely can the selective use of information have had such drastic
consequences. If there is one conclusion which must flow from the Hutton
revelations, it must surely be the demand for a full-scale independent
inquiry into the operation of the intelligence services around the top of
their command and their interface with the political system.

· Michael Meacher was environment minister, 1997-2003.

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