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Re: [casi] BBC article on OFF

The BBC have systematically avoided references to the relatively very
good state of Iraq's welfare and economic state prior to the invasion
of Kuwait. This has been followed by a over a decade of largely
ignoring or dismissing the effects of sanctions.

Most of their news focus was on demonising Saddam and 'the regime' in
a very much black and white way.

Very little mention was made of the Baath party before the invasion.
Now Baathist has become the latest dirty word on the BBC.

The current line is to refer to 'neglect' when trying to explain away
the appalling conditions to be found in Iraq.

Exposing the effects of sanctions is important not only to help
people be more sceptical when people like Blair and Straw talk about
'helping the Iraqi people' in order to get UN oversight of the
transition but also to try and persuade the guilty governments to
cough up much more money and help without needing to control Iraq.

Exposing the condition of Iraq and Iraqis before the first Gulf War
is important in order to ensure that the US & UK continue coughing up
money and help rather than set up a state where the vast majority of
Iraqis live like many Americans and Brits expect to see Arabs living.

Mark Parkinson

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