The following is an archived copy of a message sent to a Discussion List run by the Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq.

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[casi] FW: [cpt_iraq] CPT Announces Campaign to Ensure Justice for Iraqi Detainees

[ Presenting plain-text part of multi-format email ]

CPT Announces Campaign to Ensure Justice for Iraqi Detainees

Since July 2003, Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT) Iraq has been
the cases of numerous Iraqis detained by US forces.  Often these
detentions have involved acts of violence, including the following:

--house raids using excessive force against unarmed civilians;

--theft and destruction of personal property;

--lack of legal representation or clear judicial process for detainees;

--mistreatment, including torture of detainees during interrogation and
prison camps

--withholding of information about detainees' whereabouts and well-being
from the detainees' families and/or Iraqi and international human rights

These actions are violations of Iraqis' human rights according to
international law and fuel violent responses which endanger the lives of
the Coalition soldiers who occupy Iraq.

CPT Iraq is working in partnership with Iraqi community leaders and
rights organizations to publicize the stories of Iraqi detainees and
families.  In addition, CPT Iraq workers meet with US officials in the
Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) to ask for changes in these
detention policies.  CPT Iraq also accompanies families of detainees in
search of information about, and justice for, their loved ones.

CPT Iraq asks its North American supporters to participate directly in
this campaign from their home communities.  We know that communications
people of faith to national leadership via delegations, faxes and
makes a significant difference.

CPT asks its constituents to do the following:

-Print and share detainee testimonies with your church congregation,
campus ministry groups, and other gatherings of concerned people.  Post
copies in high-traffic areas such as hallway bulletin boards at your

-Take copies of detainee testimonies and related campaign materials to
editors of your local newspaper, radio and television stations and ask
them to cover this issue.

-Call and/or fax your elected officials asking for an end to excessive
force in detaining Iraqis accused of crimes and a guarantee of timely
process for Iraqi detainees as provided for under international law.

-As individuals or a small group, follow up your fax/call with a visit
your elected officials while they are in their home districts during
holiday recess.  Bring copies of the testimonies to share with them.
(Especially important!)

-Form a small group to consider which creative, non-violent public
activities could best alert your elected officials and local community
the need for change in U.S. policy on detainees.

-Pray for the safety and health of Iraqi detainees, their families,
Coalition soldiers and officials who carry out the detentions of Iraqis.

Names and Addresses:

For names and addresses of legislative and executive officials in
please consult

Canadian citizens are asked to contact the following officials:

Hon. Bill Graham, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Trade,
House of Commons, Ottawa ON K1A 0A6

HE Paul Cellucci, Ambassador, Embassy of The United States of America,
Sussex Dr., Ottawa ON K1N 1G8

Citizens of other countries are asked to contact their U.S. Ambassador
well as their Minister of Foreign Affairs and other officials as
applicable to this issue.

For more information and complete detainee testimonies, visit our

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