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abdul-haq al-ani <> wrote: From: "abdul-haq al-ani "
Subject: Fw: Please approve or correct. gail
Date: Sat, 29 Nov 2003 21:32:37 +0100

table.mail_content {DISPLAY: block}

------- Original message -------
>From :  Lawyers Against The War
Date : Fri, 28 Nov 2003 14:45:07 -0800

 var bnum=new Number(Math.floor(99999999 * Math.random())+1); document.write('');

> ATTACHMENT part 2 message/rfc822
From: "Lawyers Against The War"
To: "Abdul Haq al-Ani"
Subject: Please approve or correct. gail
Date: Fri, 28 Nov 2003 14:45:07 -0800

British barrister arrested after being refused access to his client, former Iraq deputy Prime 
Minister and calling for war crimes prosecutions against Blair et al.

British barrister, Dr. Abdul Haq al-Ani was arrested by Customs and Excise on Tuesday November 25 
2003 and released on bail to appear for questioning January 23, 2004.  . Dr. al-Ani presented 
himself for questioning after learning that a warrant to search the homes of Iraqi friends had been 
issued.  No charges have been laid and police claim to be investigating allegations that Dr. al-Ani 
promoted breaking sanctions against Iraq in violation of the Iraq and Kuwait (United Nations 
Sanctions)(Amendment) Order 1990.

Lawyers Rights Watch Canada is concerned by the appearance that the arrest and investigation of Dr. 
al-Ani may be improperly motivated to impair his activities as a lawyer and/or a human rights 

LRWC’s concern is founded on a number of factors some of which are:

·        Dr. al-Ani acts for a client unpopular to the UK government-- former Iraqi Deputy Prime 
Minister Tariq Aziz, and

·        Dr. al-Ani is pursuing causes unpopular to the government of the United Kingdom—opposition 
to the war on Iraq, opposition to the sanctions against Iraq and the prosecution of Tony Blair and 
others for war crimes committed during the invasion of Iraq; and

·        the timing—the arrest occurred just after a response from Mr. Goldsmith regarding war 
crimes prosecution of Prime Minister Blair and 4 days after Dr. al-Ani and others had petitioned 
Scotland Yard to investigate the Prime Minister and others for war crimes; and,

·        the unusual nature of the allegations that apparently warranted the arrest of Dr. 
al-Ani—that he ‘promoted breaking of sanctions against Iraq’.

Factors such as these that are too often the hallmarks of cases in which governments seek to use 
criminal legislation to curtail legal activities and to impair the independence of lawyers and 
other human rights advocates.

Unpopular client

According to our information, prior to his arrest Dr. al-Ani had been in Iraq documenting 
allegations of human rights violations by US and UK troops.  While in Iraq, he sought and was 
denied permission to visit with his client former deputy prime minister of Iraq, Tariz Aziz.  The 
Aziz family is pursuing a habeas corpus writ against coalition forces in Iraq, demanding that he be 
produced before the courts.  According to a report in the Guardian November 27, 2003, “Mr. Aziz is 
being held by US forces with other senior regime figures at Baghdad airport. He is being 
investigated for alleged war crimes, but has had no access to his lawyer.”

Unpopular causes—war crimes prosecution of Prime Minister Blair and others

Dr. al-Ani has called for prosecution of Tony Blair, Jack Straw and Geoff Hoon under the 
International Criminal Court Act 2001 for war crimes committed in Iraq during the invasion and 
occupation.  Charges under this Act require the consent of UK Attorney General Oliver Goldsmith who 
had refused his consent.  Dr. al-Ani has applied for judicial review of AG Goldsmith’s refusal to 
approve charges.  The application for judicial review is based in part on Goldsmith’s bias arising 
from his advice that a military invasion of Iraq by UK troops was legal.

Unpopular causes--opposition to the war on Iraq
Dr. al-Ani, as a member of Legal Action against the War, has campaigned against the invasion of 
Iraq on the basis that such action was a violation of international and national law.   Earlier he 
opposed the sanctions against Iraq on humanitarian and legal grounds.  On Friday November 21 2003 
he was a member of a group that petitioned Scotland Yard to investigate war crimes allegedly 
committed by the Prime Minister Blair and members of the cabinet.

Unusual allegations of wrongdoing

Dr. al-Ani was apparently arrested under the Iraq and Kuwait (United Nations Sanctions)(Amendment) 
Order 1990, section 3(1)c which reads,

“3.—(1) Except under the authority of a licence granted by the Secretary of State under this Order 
or under the Export of Goods (Control) (Iraq and Kuwait Sanctions) Order 1990 no person shall…

c) do any act calculated to promote the supply or delivery of any such goods to any person in Iraq 
or Kuwait or to any person for the purposes of any business carried on in or operated from Iraq or 

LRWC knows of no prosecutions under this Order.

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