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re: [1] American media on Iraq [2] Iraq's calutrons

Thanks Drew,

A few brief comments on Rahul's excellent piece:

> There has also been an attempt to seize on the lowest possible numbers. In
early 1998,
> Columbia University's Richard Garfield published a dramatically lower
estimate of 106,000 to
> 227,000 children under five dead due to sanctions, which was reported in
many papers (e.g.
> New Orleans Times-Picayune, 2/15/98).

I think that this should be "1999", not "1998".  CASI's version of his
paper, with a link to the original, is at

> A Dow Jones search for 2000 finds only one mention of this evidence in an
American paper--and
> that in a letter to the editor (Austin American-Statesman, 10/01/00).

A more interesting search might include 2001.  While the document mentioned
has been circulating for many years now, it's only this year that Tom Nagy
has been promoting it.

> and the fact that, until this summer, vaccines for common infectious
diseases were on the
> so-called "1051 list" of substances in practice banned from entering Iraq.

Items on the "1051 list" are not banned from entering Iraq.  The 1051 lists
were originally established as a notification procedure for UN weapons
inspectors in Iraq: if a 1051 contract was approved by the Sanctions
Committee, they would be informed that something was coming into the country
that they should look at.

Since the inspections' end in December 1998, the practice has changed
slightly, with the Sanctions Committee demanding more assurances about the
end use of the items in question.  "In practice", I suspect that this has
amounted to an implicit ban on certain items but, in the case of the
vaccines, the hold on them was released earlier in the year, before the
"1051 lists" were amended.

I hope that these comments don't seem too denting.  I think that his article
is absolutely correct in its emphasis, and well very researched.


Colin Rowat

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