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RE: [casi] Iraqi Water Systems.

Dear Bert and other CASI colleagues,

  First, please call me Tom :-).

  Second I greatly appreciate your active, much-needed contributions to CASI
and look forward to the day that more come to  share your direct moral outrage
and  to positive, nonviolent actions  to end attrocities, particularly
routine, doctrine based attrocities. Excellent examples of positive actions to
build upon the valuable  protests and petitions include  support for "The Iraq
Peace Team", "Generations for Peace," etc. which are guarding Article 54
infrastructures in Iraq right now  with their own bodies. A different type of
positive action is "Veterans for Peace" and "Campaign of Conscience" rebuild
small, but hardly neglibable parts of the Iraq water infrastructure.

  Third, you are right that I erred if I implied that not finding
acknowledgement from Dept. of Defense that it bombed the water system implies
much  more than p.r. awareness by DOD's huge p.r.  staff. I think that several
on-the-ground,  reliable studies clearly indicate that the water system was
repeatedly bombed.

 I rest  my case almost entirely on DOD documents, because here in the U.S.,
folks strongly  believe the crimes, even the routine and even doctrine based
and  continuing  crimes of  DOD are factualy only if details of the crimes and
the doctrine which drive them are spelled out   in  DOD documents they can
read for themselves.  I view finding the current doctrine 2-1.2, cited in my
last submission to CASI, as particularly helpful in this regard.

 It was a joy to speak with such committed people as those in Code Pink 4
Change: The Woemen's  Pre-emptive Strike for Peace. For me their members
represent steadfast committment with their vigil at the White House gate, even
in bitterly cold weather. They are like the vigilers outside the Denmark
Parliament Building.


>===== Original Message From Bert Gedin <> =====
>Dear Professor Tom Nagy,
>Thank you for honouring us with your welcome contributions to this
>discussion. The eery militarism, which seems to have taken over, is
>certainly a very grave danger. You mention camouflage outfits, near the
>White House. Some, interested in propaganda, rather than the pursuit of
>truth, will try to camouflage the arguments.

Thomas J. Nagy, Ph.D.
Assoc. Prof. of Expert Systems
George Washington Univeristy Sch. of Business & Public Mgt.
Washington, D.C. 20052

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