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[casi] The New Alibabas

[ Presenting plain-text part of multi-format email ]

      Dear Casi

      <"This is Iraqi money. The people of Iraq must know where it is going."> !

      Best regards
      Ghazwan Al-Mukhtar
      Baghdad, Occupied Iraq,,30200-12857088,00.html


Billions of pounds earmarked for Iraq have vanished after being handed to the US-controlled 
governing body, a study has revealed.
At least £3.1bn has been passed to the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA), leading UK aid agency 
Chrisitan Aid calculates.

But figures unearthed by the charity show only a fifth of those development funds have been 
accounted for.

And Christian Aid says the missing £2.4bn "black hole" will double by the end of the year unless 
the CPA's accounts are made public.

Tony Blair has been challenged to account for the cash as a United Nations-backed donors conference 
gets under way in Madrid.

The Prime Minister and US President George Bush last week won a new UN resolution calling for 
international contributions of money and troops.

Those donations will go into a new fund overseen by the UN and the World Bank.

But failure to show where the existing cash has gone will fuel suspicion among Iraqis that large 
amounts are being creamed off by US firms given contracts to rebuild the country, Christian Aid 

One senior European diplomat told the charity: "We have absolutely no idea how the money has been 

"I wish I knew, but we just don't know. We have absolutely no idea."

Roger Riddell, Christian Aid's international director, called the situation "little short of 

He said: "The British Government must use its position of second in command of the CPA to demand 
full disclosure of this money and its proper allocation in the future.

"This is Iraqi money. The people of Iraq must know where it is going."

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