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[casi-analysis] IWPR Iraqi Crisis Report

[ This message has been sent to you via the CASI-analysis mailing list ]

In case people aren't already aware of it, I thought I'd mention the
weekly "Iraqi Crisis Report" produced by the Institute for War and Peace
Reporting ( The report (now in its 44th edition) is emailed
out each week and contains a handful of articles written by people on the
ground in Iraq. It can often be quite informative about how people are
viewing the latest developments.

The IPWR is a London-based organisation which aims to strengthen local
journalism in conflict situations - they have major programmes in
Afghanistan, the Balkans, the Caucasus, Central Asia and Iraq. In Iraq,
they run a journalism training centre as well as pushing internationally
for a free and fair media in Iraq.

Anyway, their website is at
(including online versions of all the articles), and you can sign up to
receive the weekly reports by email at

Best wishes to everyone,


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