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[casi-analysis] John Pilger about Iraqi resistance

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In the broadcast of Democracy Now, Wednesday, December 31st, 2003 "A Review
of 2003 With Noam Chomsky, John Pilger, Katha Pollitt, Martin Espada,
Michael Parenti and Aarti Shahani",  John Pilger, veteran filmmaker, author
and journalist, makes this courageous and important statement:

AMY GOODMAN: John, we only have a minute, and I wanted to ask in addition to
the occupation and the invasion about resistance. Months ago, we broadcast
the protest footage from Britain. You were one of those who spoke in the
massive anti-war protests that took place there. right now, you're in
Sydney, Australia, which is the place that -- the area where you were born.
What about the resistance and the protests?

JOHN PILGER: I think the resistance in Iraq is incredibly important for all
of us. I think that we depend on the resistance to win so that other
countries might not be attacked, so that our world in a sense becomes more
secure. Now, I don't like resistances that produce the kind of terrible
civilian atrocities that this one has, but that is true of all of the
resistances. This one is a resistance against a rapacious power, that if it
is not stopped in Iraq will go on as we now know to North Korea where Mr.
Cheney and others are just chomping at the bit to have a crack at that
country. So, what the outcome of this resistance is terribly important for
the rest of the world. I think if the United States' military machine and
the Bush administration can suffer -- Well, the let's say, quote, defeat,
unquote, because it was never a complete defeat in Vietnam, but if they
suffer something like that in Iraq, they can be stopped.

Any comments on that?

Full transcript:
This fragment starts after 11 minutes 30 seconds.

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