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[casi-analysis] casi-news digest, Vol 1 #41 - 1 msg

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Today's Topics:

   1. US troops under US general to remain for at least 2 years (k hanly)


Message: 1
From: "k hanly" <>
To: "newsclippings" <>
Subject: US troops under US general to remain for at least 2 years
Date: Thu, 11 Mar 2004 10:07:29 -0600

US to retain Iraq security role
A US general will be in charge of all military forces in Iraq even after the
end of the occupation, a senior British official said on Wednesday.
American and British forces will remain in Iraq "for at least two years",
the official said.

Backed by the interim-government they will be part of a multinational force,
for which a UN Security Council mandate will be sought in May.

Power is due to be handed to Iraq's interim government on 30 June.

However the members of the new government are likely to have been selected
by the end of April, in time for a new UN Security Council resolution
approving the plan, the official said.

Optimistic outlook

The multinational security force will have a unified military command and
will incorporate the new Iraqi army and the Iraqi civil defence force. The
Iraqi police force is not expected to be part of the structure.

In overall command will be a four-star American general, and under him a
three-star American general will be in charge of operations. There will also
be a British deputy to the senior officer.

BBC News Online's world affairs correspondent Paul Reynolds says that
despite ongoing security problems in Iraq the British authorities continue
to be relatively optimistic about the eventual outcome there.
An agreement on the new security structure is currently being worked out
between the Iraqi Governing Council and the occupying powers following
Monday's agreement on the interim constitution, known as the Transitional
Administrative Law (TAL).

The British representative to the Coalition Provisional Authority Sir Jeremy
Greenstock has described the agreement on the TAL as a "significant

"It is significant that the TAL contains dates and that compromises were
made by all sides," he told reporters on a visit to London to brief British
government ministers.

Structural change

Priority is now being given to the selection of the interim government

The new government will be run by an Iraqi prime minister, probably under a
revolving three-person presidency, and current ministers are expected to
stay on in their posts. However, the governing council itself will be wound

Outlining the plan to reporters at the UK Foreign Office, the official
accepted that the structure would be "less democratic" than the original
proposal of selecting a government by a series of meetings around the
country. There will instead simply be "consultations" this time.

The caucus system was abandoned after objections from the majority Shia

The interim government will be in charge until elections for a transitional
national assembly. The assembly will draw up a permanent constitution upon
whose basis elections to a full Iraqi government will be held by the end of

Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2004/03/10 20:00:18 GMT

End of casi-news Digest

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