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[casi-analysis] DoD claim it doesn't use DU in bunker busters not supported byrecords

[ This message has been sent to you via the CASI-analysis mailing list ]

At the MIT forum on depleted uranium (DU)* on March 6, Dr. Michael
Kilpatrick, a leading US Department of Defense spokesperson on deployment
health issues related to depleted uranium, responded to a point raised by a
member of the audience concerning the use of DU in bunker busters.

Dr. Kilpatrick said to the MIT audience: "there was an issue here earlier
about bunker busters. Bunker busters are not depleted uranium. Depleted
Uranium is like an anvil. I mean it does not explode. And so when you take a
look at a bunker buster - that is an explosive device that goes down. So,
these are, you read in the paper about all the DU in the bunker buster, it's
not in that munition."

Go to to hear
his taped comments quoted above, and see resources which indicate that DU is
indeed used, or contemplated for use, in earth penetrating 'bunker buster'
bombs and missiles. Resources include Congressional testimony, cruise
missile specifications (using 'reactive' metals) and research by Dai
Williams on weapons patents. (The first two resources courtesy of DU-Watch.)

If DU (or un-depleted uranium) were used in bunker busters in Iraq, it would
increase by hundreds of tons the amount of DU expended during Gulf War II
(about 340 tons were expended during Gulf War I.). Were uranium warheads
used in Afghanistan as well? Dr. Kilpatrick's misstatement, and the US
refusal to account for its use of DU in Iraq, fuels concerns as well as
continued distrust of DoD statements.

* "Fiction: DU is ³depleted² in the amount of U235 and is therefore less
radioactive than the uranium in our natural environment.

Fact: The term ³Depleted uranium is a misnomer. DU is ³depleted² only in the
isotopes U234 and U235 which constitute less that 1% of the total uranium.
The fact is that both ³depleted² uranium and ³natural² Uranium are over 99%
composed of Uranium 238. Depleted uranium is almost as highly concentrated
as pure uranium and may contain plutonium in trace amounts."


Charles Jenks, attorney at law
President of the Core Group
Traprock Peace Center
103A Keets Road
Deerfield, MA 01342
413-773-1633; Fax 413-773-7507

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