The following is an archived copy of a message sent to a Discussion List run by the Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq.

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Dear Gabriel
Yes there is going to be an inaugural meeting of the 'Emergency Committee on Iraq' which will take 
place on Thursday 12th February between 7.30
and 9.30 pm in the Grand Committee Room of the House of Commons booked
in the name of George Galloway and Tam Dalyell.  They hope to gather together Parliamentarians, 
members of the Arab community and other concerned
individuals who oppose war and the policy of sanctions.  In no way is this in support of the Iraqi 
regime.  The twin slogans will be 'No more war
in the Gulf' and 'Lifting the Sanctions against Iraq'.
If you intend to go it would be useful if you contacted George Galloway's office on 0171 219 6940 
or 0171 219 2874.  I would also be grateful if
you could also let me know.  I have a letter of invitation to this and
even though it will be possible to get in without one, a copy of this would help.  I can supply a 
copy.  Also it would be good to make contact.
I hope some other people will also be interested in going.
Clare Hariri
> Apparently there's to be a meeting at the Houses of Parliament on Thursday
> (12th February) in opposition to the threatened military action (and
> sanctions ?). The time I was given was 7 pm. Apparently a labour MP called
> George Galloway is chairing (?) it.
> Regards,
> Gabriel.
> --
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> This is a discussion list run by Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq.
> To be removed/added, email,
NOT the
> whole list. Archived at

This is a discussion list run by Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq.
To be removed/added, email, NOT the
whole list. Archived at

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