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Re: Demonstration on Valentines Day.. (fwd] (fwd)

        THis will be of interest to those interested in going to the
demonstration this weekend. It does not come under C.A.S.I's umbrella but
there are a large number of people interested in going so we might try to
go as a group, from cambridge.

>Update on this weekend's events. Updated 13.00, Feb 9 by Stephen Hancock.


"Encircle the Ministry of 'Defence', London"

Gather 12 noon on the Whitehall side of the Mo"D" building.
There will be some short speeches, a letter and petitions will be handed in
to Downing Street, and then there will be an attempt to surround the
building. People are invited to attach hearts or photos -- of Iraqi people,
of children -- to the building, or the crowd-control barriers.
There will be a short silence held in memory of those Iraqis who have
already died as a result of both the Gulf War and economic sanctions.
After one o'clock there will be the possibility of taking part in a symbolic

"Shut Down Northwood (Joint Rapid Deployment Force HQ), north-west London"
Nonviolent Direct Action.

Gather 10.30am outside Madame Tussauds at Baker Street, or at ll.15am at
Northwood Tube station (on the Metropolitan Line).

Those taking part in nonviolent direct action should be prepared for arrest.
Legal support will be available on the day and beyond. "Non-arrestees"
welcome, but organisers cannot guarantee favourable police response.

Saturday demonstration sponsored by: Nonviolent Resistance Network, Milan
Rai (ARROW), Emily Johns (artist) Stephen Hancock (Peace News), Dave Durham
(National Peace Council), Jorgen Johansen (War Resisters International),
Joanne Sheehan (WRI), Ellen Elster (WRI); Dr Laura M. Rival (anthropologist).
Other sponsors invited - email:

Please use all available means - email, phone, leaflets, posters, press work
etc.. to spread the above information. Mobilisation is going well.

If you want to help out at the demonstration, please phone Stephen on 0171
278 3344 or David on 0171 607 2302.
A2 posters and A5 leaflets available upon request.
Stephen Hancock    (
178 Campbell Road
Oxford OX4 3NR
Tel: +44 1865 770833
(Peace News: tel +44 171 278 3344; fax 278 0444)

"In an unjust world the only place for a just person is in bed"

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