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Proposed ways out of the Iraqi standoff and where

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 Proposed ways out of the Iraqi standoff and where the major players stand
 6.39 p.m. ET (2339 GMT) February 12, 1998

 (AP) =97 Russia and France are pushing proposals to end the standoff
 between the United States and Iraq over U.N. inspections of
 suspected weapons sites. The proposals, and where the major
 players stand:=20


 The Russian initiative calls for U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan
 to appoint a new team to inspect eight presidential sites that Iraq has
 declared off limits. These sites would be open for inspection for a
 limited period.=20

 The U.N. Special Commission (UNSCOM), which oversees the
 arms inspections and has been working in Iraq since 1991, would
 be excluded from those eight sites.=20


 The French suggest that UNSCOM inspectors work alongside "a
 special group'' that remains to be determined. The special group
 would inspect residences within the presidential compounds;
 UNSCOM could inspect the rest. The weapons experts would have
 free access without any time limit on their inspections.=20


 Citing Security Council resolutions, the United States insists that
 UNSCOM inspectors alone inspect suspected weapons sites. It also
 insists on access to all sites on demand and for as long as needed.=20


 Iraq claims that the American UNSCOM inspectors are spies, and
 doesn't want to grant unfettered access to presidential compounds,
 ministries and military installations it regards symbols of its
 sovereignty. Iraq says it has eliminated all its weapons of mass
 destruction, as well as its capacity to build such weapons.=20

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