The following is an archived copy of a message sent to a Discussion List run by the Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq.

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Letter to press - Iraq (fwd)

Dear listmembers,

Some of you will have been sent this directly already. The following is
the text of a letter to be sent to the press in the next day or so. If you
support it, please reply to Jack Vernon (, putting
your name and College (or whatever) at the end of the letter. This applies
to mere students too, not just "respected academics"! Thanks.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "J. Vernon" <>
Subject: Letter to press - Iraq (fwd)

This is the letter which we are planning to send to the press on Sunday,
if possible. It is deliberately short and does not dwell on 'facts' about
the Gulf situation.

If you agree with the letter, please add your name and college and return
it to me.


"We deplore the proposed military action by Britain against Iraq, which
seems to be drawing on with obscene inevitability. Any attack will bring
misery and death to the Iraqi people, who are already denied many
necessities, including food and medicines, as a result of British-backed

The West should avoid fomenting conflict in a region which is already
unstable. Attacking Iraq will lend support to Saddam Hussein's domestic
propaganda and increase strains on Arab relations with the West. Britain
has no right to dictate which regimes are accceptable when there is no
popular demand for intervention from within the country being attacked.

This attack seems all the more like warmongering because its motives are
suspect. The arbitrariness of the choice of Iraq as a target is underlined
by the relatively recent action of Britain in selling arms to Iraq, and by
the existence of numerous other regimes in the world which clearly violate
the human rights of their own or neighbouring countries' citizens."

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