The following is an archived copy of a message sent to a Discussion List run by the Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq.

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IIS: Palestine, Arab unity, and the sanctions on Iraq and Libya (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 15 Jun 1998 18:56:56 -0700
From: Hugh <>

Bulletin on preparations for the public meeting:

Palestine, Arab unity, and the sanctions on Iraq and Libya

Thursday June 18, 7.00 p.m. 

The Institute for Independence Studies has called this meeting to bring
together campaigners against war and sanctions on Iraq, along with those
campaigning for solidarity with Palestine, and with Libya, and other
countries of the Middle East. 

A number of student, peace and solidarity organisations will be
represented at the meeting. Also participating will be Felicity Arbuthnot,

The meeting has been advertised in the Arab press and in the Morning Star
and other progressive publications. Leaflets have been distributed at a
number of relevant events in recent weeks, as well as at the Regents Park
mosque. Widespread interest has been shown in the meeting, which is hoped
to mark a new initiative in co-ordination of campaigns on the causes

The IIS issued a statement on the theme of the meeting: 

"No progress can be made towards a resolution of the Palestine question
without progress towards greater Arab unity. 

The economic sanctions imposed on Iraq and Libya by the UN Security
Council under US and British pressure are not only a monstrous crime
against humanity within the borders of those two countries themselves, but
also divide and cripple the Arab world as a whole. 

All those in Britain who wish to build an effective movement of solidarity
with Palestine must therefore urgently confront the task of campaigning
for the immediate lifting of the Iraq and Libya sanctions which hamstring
all moves towards united Arab action on the Palestine issue." 

Place: Conway Hall (Bertrand Russell Room), Red Lion Square, London WC1.
Tube: Holborn. 

For further information, phone: 

0171 436 4636

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