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International Fast for Life.

                    INTERNATIONAL FAST FOR LIFE.

                     LIFT THE SANCTIONS ON IRAQ

On 9th August, Richard Butler, chief UN weapons inspector, will visit
Baghdad to decide whether Iraq has accounted for its weapons of mass
destruction. His verdict could lead to the sanctions on Iraq, which have
cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of civilians, being lifted in

As the fate of the Iraqi people is being decided, round-the-clock fasts
will take place in London, New York and Baghdad, held in solidarity with a
people being starved by sanctions.

Please support this three-day vigil and fast with your presence, your
participation, or your financial backing.

vigil begins: 12 noon, Sunday 9th August

breaking of fast: 6 pm, Wednesday 12th August

venue throughout: 10 Downing Street, London.

If you are able to take part in th vigil and/or fast, please call david
Polden on 0171 607 2302 to book a four or eight hour shift.
If you are not able to attend, please write to the Prime Minister, Rt Hon
Tony Blair MP, 10 Downing Street, London SW1, calling for a lifting of
economic sanctions, *whatever the outcome of the Butler visit*.

For more information, or to make a donation, please write to

 voices in the
wilderness uk, 1 Hertford Road, London N2 9BX.
 (Please make cheques
 out to "voices in the wilderness uk" and write "FAST" on the back).

London vigil organised by ARROW and VIW UK. Baghdad vigil organised by VIW
UK. New York Vigil organised by Voices in the Wilderness (US).


The 20th July will be the seventh anniversary of ARROW's weekly
lift-the-economic-sanctions-on-Iraq vigil/picket outside the Foreign
Office. That's over 500 hours and a hell of a lot of leaflets !
If you're in London that day please come along and join them - all are
welcome. Time: 5.30 pm - 8 pm. Followed by a teach-in in St James Park.


If you want to receive snail-mail on Iraq during the vacation please
e-mail me, Gabriel Carlyle, at

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