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Re: weapons of mass destruction in Iraq

> > "[Saddam Hussein] is the only leader anywhere in the world that I know of
> > who has used weapons of mass destruction. 5,000 people, mainly women and
> > children, died as a result of his use of weapons of mass destruction."
> > -- Tony Blair, in Prime Minister's Questions today (11/11/98) 

>       It seems that Blair suffers from a great deal of ignorance, or a
> serious case of selective memory.  What the use of chemical weapons by
> Churchill in 1919 against Iraq, or the use of depleted uranium by the UK
> in 1991 against Iraq, or, shall we remind him of the US's track record in
> the use of these weaponry?

I agree with what you're saying. It could however be argued that Blair was
only referring to current leaders.

>       Thank you for the quote, Seb. Where was the quote published? It
> would be good to respond w/ letters to the editor.

It was something he said in parliament today in response to an MP's
question, so there is no 'editor' (we hope!). Why not write to Blair
himself though? (10 Downing Street, London SW1) 

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