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New York Times: Security Council reaching consensus

According to Alan Cowell in the New York Times (Thursday, Sept 16, page
A9), the 5 permanent members of the security council are making
"progress toward a deal to ease sanctions on Iraq in exchange for
Baghdad's submission to a new system of weapons inspections." The
article suggests that Washington is softening its stance on sanctions. 

Extract from the article: 

"The diplomats here said it was agreed in today's meeting that a new
inspection body would need a less confrontational profile than the
[UNSCOM] commission. But it remained unclear how far they had
progressed toward settling long-running disagreements among themselves
over the conditions and timing for easing trade restrictions.
Supported by Britain, the United States was said to have argued that
sanctions could only be eased after Iraq had completed a trial period
of compliance with a new inspection system.
The officials have not yet established the duration of any suspension
sanctions or conditions for re-imposing them."
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