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Letter to The Guardian re Newsnight

I sent the following letter to The Guardian:

Dear Sir/Madam:

On BBC 2’s Newsnight yesterday (22 September), the 
programme’s diplomatic editor Mark Urban repeated the 
Foreign Office claim that UNICEF has shown that low child 
mortality rates in the north of Iraq (controlled by the UN) 
and high rates in the centre and south (controlled by 
Baghdad) are due to Iraq ‘ sacrificing its own people for 
propaganda’. However, UNICEF explicitly rejects this: ‘the 
difference .... cannot be attributed to the differing ways 
the Oil-for-Food Program is implemented’. It explains the 
contrast as follows: sanctions have been more easy to evade 
in the north, agriculture is easier there, and aid began 
arriving in the north in 1991 whereas it began to arrive in 
the rest of the country only in 1997, and in large 
quantities only from the spring of 1998. 

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