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Two News Articles...

Following are two short articles published in the
German Newspaper "Neues Deutshcland" on Thursday
November 4th. Both articles cite the German pres
agency dpa and their own correspondents as sources.
This newspaper has taken a strong stand against the
sanctions and bombings from the beginning.
Once again, the translation is my own humnble effort.
Peace, Sean

Madrid (dpa/ND)
Spain has opemly criticised the US government over the
American bombing of Iraq. The Spanish government
regrets the air strikes, the Foreign Office Secretary
Fernando Villalonga said in a Parliamentary hearing
He said Spain was against Washington's strategy of
trying to bring about the fall of President Saddam
Hussein by worsening the living conditions of the
Iraqi people.

Geneva (dpa/ND)
The Iraqi government has defended the German UN
coordinator in Iraq, Hans von Sponeck, who appears to
have fallen foul of the USA.
"We don't like to interfere in conflicts between the
USA and the UN, but we appreciate Mr. von Sponeck's
work very much", said foreign minister Mohammed Said
al Sahhaf on Wednesday in Geneva.
On Tuesday, UN Secretary General Kofi Annan had again
reaffirmed his support of von Sponeck after the
"Financial Times" had reported that the USA and UK
were pushing for his removal.

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