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Crosslines covers Iraq

Crosslines Global Report, a Geneva-based journal covering war, the media and
humanitarian affairs, has published three articles on Iraq in its latest
issue.  These are the first articles Crosslines has published so far on

The articles include an op-ed by Denis Halliday, a well-written article on
depleted uranium and the laws of war, and a piece I wrote after a trip to
Iraq in March 1999 with Voices in the Wilderness.

All three articles are available at the following URL:
You may want to do the following:
-Contact Crosslines and urge them to continue covering Iraq.
-Order a hard copy of the issue.
-Write letters in response to the articles.
Here is the contact information:
CROSSLINES/Media Action International
Villa de Grand Montfleury, 1290 Versoix, Geneva, Switzerland
Tel. 41 (22)-950-0750; Fax: 41(22)-950-0752
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