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Re: Ultra-right US politician on sanctions and Iraq

I think it is inaccurate to refer to Patrick Buchannan and Charlie Reese as "ultra-right" 
politicians. There does exist an extreme right in the US, which is very far  to the right of Pat. 
Pat is certainly in the mainstream. And neither he nor Charlie Reese is racist. There are powerful 
openly racist forces in the US. If you think Pat is a representative of the racist ultra-right, 
then you really aren't familiar with the American political spectrum. To call Pat a racist is a 
completely unfounded accusation. Pat is sincerely against the sanctions on Yugoslavia and Iraq. And 
he was sincerely and fervently opposed to the US war on those two countries. He is sincerely 
concerned about the death and destruction that the US has caused in Yugoslavia and Iraq.

Many people on the left are supporting Pat's campaign. There is a growing convergence and synthesis 
of the forces of new-left and new-right united in opposition to the "New World Order". 


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