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UK Govt policy on suspending/lfiting sanctions

Dear all:

I thought you might be interested in this letter I've just 
sent, especially in light of Moonirah's view that the UK 
Govt is committed to maintaining the sanctions as long as 
missing persons are not accounted for. My letter seeks 
clarification from the FCO. I'll let you know whet the 
response is.


Jon Davies
Iraq Section, Middle East Desk
Foreign and Commonwealth Office

                                                        18 April  2000

Dear Jon:

UK interpretation of the criteria for suspending/lifting of 
sanctions on Iraq

Thank you and your colleague for meeting with me last week. 
I look forward to your response to the various points 
raised.  In the meantime, I would be grateful for 
clarification of UK policy on the criteria for 
suspending/lifting sanctions. In November of last year you 
wrote to me regarding SCR 687 that ‘There is a clear 
distinction of steps which will be taken when Iraq meets 
its WMD related obligations, and others which are tied 
explicitly to Iraq's wider "policies and practices" (see 
paragraphs 21 and 22).’ However, how the UK Government 
interprets how these two paragraphs relate to each other 
and how they relate to SCR 1284 is unclear to me. Let me 

SCR 687 paragraph 21 refers to reviewing the provisions of 
paragraph 20 (allowing humanitarian supplies) ‘in the light 
of the policies and practices of the Government of Iraq, 
including the implementation of all relevant resolutions of 
the Security Council, for the purpose of determining 
whether to reduce or lift’ the sanctions. SCR 687 paragraph 
22 refers to ending the sanctions if Iraq complies with its 
NBC-BM obligations. SCR 687 also demands of Iraq that Iraq 
must also account for all non-Iraqis missing since the 
invasion of Kuwait, return property it had looted from 
Kuwait, renounce terrorism and accept responsibility for 
its external debt.  From the wording of the resolution it 
is unclear whether or not lifting of the sanctions is 
conditional on compliance with these demands as well.

While SCR 1284 reiterates the demands with regard to 
repatriation, property and so on, it states that once 
UNMOVIC and IAEA report full Iraqi cooperation with 
specified disarmament tasks for 120 days, the sanctions are 
to be suspended for periods of 120 days. The unclarity 
appears to persist.

Put simply, if Iraq complies with the relevant UN 
resolutions on nuclear, biological and chemical weapon 
(NBC) and long-range ballistic missile (BM) disarmament, 
verification and monitoring but not with the other demands 
upon it, is it the UK Government’s position that the 
sanctions should be suspended (and eventually lifted)? Or 
maintained fully? Or maintained at a lesser degree of 
intensity? Or does the UK Government not have a position on 
this yet and indicates to cross that bridge when/if it 
comes to it?

Thank you for your assistance.

Yours sincerely,

Dr. Eric Herring
Department of Politics
University of Bristol
10 Priory Road
Bristol BS8 1TU
England, UK
Tel. +44-(0)117-928-8582
Fax +44-(0)117-973-2133

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