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Re: Peter Hain (Lila)

I would see this as great progress! Perhaps never again will we 
see sanctions such as those on Iraq. Remember that previous US 
& UK Governments formulated these policies. The current lot are 
finding it hard to get out of the mess. Peter Hain has also 
acknowledged some past mistakes on the cause of this conflict.

> I could hardly believe it!  I have just heard peter Hain on radio news
> independent radio saying that sanctions against
> Zimbabwe are not feasible (my word) because sanctions would hurt the
> ordinary people of Zimbabwe most, causing them great hardship.
> Surely the governments that support these sanctions should be indicted for
> crimes against humanity.

I agree. The sanctions have caused the deaths of many more Iraqis 
than SH managed during two wars and years of repression. Also 
worthy of investigation by a tribunal would be the conduct of the air 
war and its implications for civilians.

Mark Parkinson

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