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Debate in Commons today / German Minister Calls for end to santions in Cuba

Greetings all,
Labour MP Tam Dalyell has managed to arrange an adjournment debate on the effects of sanctions in Iraq and Serbia.
The debate will take place tonight at 10pm UK time and anyone who has BBC Parliament can see it live.

Apart from that: This weekend the German minister for International Development
visited Cuba this weekend and called for an end to the US Sanctions against the country.
Her call was echoed by Cuban Opposition activists. (See article below) and seems like a good opportunity for
a letter, so I'll be writing to her in the next few days, and if anyone else in Germany
is please let me know so we can coordinate our efforts.
I hope it doesn't take another 40 years to realise that what didn't work in Cuba won't work in Iraq I'll keep the list informed
if there is any result.
Cheers, Sean

Wieczorek-Zeul for an end to US embargo
(Neues Deutschland, May 22nd 2000) HAVANNA (dpa / ND)
International development minister Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul (SPD) has appealed for an end to the
US embargo against Cuba. She became the first German minister in over 40 years to pay
an official visit to the country when she arrived in the Cuban capital Havanna
on Saturday. On her arrival she said that she wanted to send "a signal": The German Government
wants to rely on dialogue and interaction, since the Policy of Isolation pursued by the US blockade
had turned out to be a "completely wrong approach". The Minister also met at the weekend with
Human rights activists and Opposition groups.

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