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"Asylum Rights are Human Rights!" (fwd)

Below are details of a protest organised for this Thursday in London (and 
elsewhere).  Apologies if you feel this isn't relevant to CASI; I think 
we could argue, however, that Britain's current refugee-related policies 
are yet another sanction against the Iraqi people...

National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns (NCADC)
110 Hamstead  Road
Birmingham B20 2QS
Phone: 0121-554-6947  Fax:  0870-055-4570
Web site:

"Asylum Rights are Human Rights!"

On 25th May 2000 the International Federation of Iraqi Refugees are 
organising an international demonstration in a number of European 
countries to highlight the plight of thousands of refugees in Turkey 
and lend support to the demands of Iraqi refugees facing a bleak 
future in Turkey.

Thursday 25th May 2000
12 to 2:30 PM
UNHCR - London Office
Mill Bank Tower
Mill Bank
London SW1P  4QH

     You are probably up to date on the current social and political 
situation in Iraq and are aware of the reasons forcing people to 
leave their homes and flee from Iraq. Generally speaking insecurity 
and fear for one's life, war, terror and murders and the military 
intervention of the regional states, compounded by the continuation 
of economic sanctions and the suppressive rule of the Iraqi regime, 
have made people's lives intolerable. The political uncertainty and 
the lack of law and order in Iraqi/Kurdistan  are forcing people to 
seek a way out and head for a safe place and a life worthy of human 

     In the past decade Turkey has acted as a gateway for thousands of 
Iraqi desperate to reach a safe third country through the offices of 
UNHCR. The amount of suffering and hardship borne on Iraqi refugees 
is unbelievable. Daily harassment and fear of arrests and 
deportation, lack of daily provisions and financial hardship and on 
top of all these the inhumane treatment of these refugees at the 
hands of UNHCR officials has turned the lives of Iraqi refugees in 
Turkey into living hell. The UNHCR office in Turkey by embarking on 
measures including turning down new applications, refusing to 
consider appeals and long delays in dealing with applications-usually 
exceeding one year and longer, has further intensified the suffering 
of the Iraqi refugees in Turkey.

     We would like once again, to bring to your attention the current 
difficult situation faced by the Iraqi refugees in Turkey and call on 
you to put pressure on UNHCR to meet and deliver the demands and 
requests of the refugees listed below:

     The recognition of the rights to asylum, by the UNHCR Office in 
Turkey, for all Iraqi asylum seekers fleeing from Iraq as a result of 
the insecurity, political turmoil and lack of safety.
     Reopening of those files that have been closed, not dealt with or 
have been rejected.
     To recognise the representatives of the Council of Iraqi Refugees 
(CIR) in Turkey as the collective voice of the refugees and regular 
meetings between the representative of CIR and UNHCR in Turkey to 
deal with the grievances of the refugees.

For further information please contact:
Dashti Jamal: 0961 441357   or    Osman Reza: 07940240464

Federation of Iraqi Refugees - Britain
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