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other countries

Hi all

A few ideas;
Is it worth writing to representatives of other countries who oppose
sanctions and urge them to put pressure on Britain and the USA to stop
sanctions and bombing?  We've recently seen diplomatic sanctions used
against Austria, so might it be a good idea to urge the EU to try
diplomatic sanctions against Britain?
I'm not certain how other EU governments view the sanctions, but I get
the impression that they're generally against them.  Is this true?
If enough British citizens write to foreign heads of state asking for
pressure to be put on our Government, there is a possibility of seeing
something done (a criticism of the UK would be enough!).  I would
imagine that foreign heads of states don't often get letters like this
from UK citizens, so it might get some attention.  Is there anyone on
the list who knows how to get people motivated to write for an
orchestrated letter writing campaign?


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