The following is an archived copy of a message sent to a Discussion List run by the Campaign Against Sanctions on Iraq.

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(no subject)

Hi all

Was wondering if anyone on either of these lists has, or knows where I
could get, a list of the names of people killed in US and UK strikes on
Iraq since the end of the Gulf War?  I'd like, ideally, a list of names,
ages, occupation, date of killing and location of killing.  I think it
would be a good idea to put something of this sort up onto a website as
a small memorial.  Has anyone done this already?
I was also wondering if it was possible to make a list of people who
have died through malnutrition and lack of medicines.  I realise this
would be a massive list, but a start could at least be made.  Even if
the list is not comprehensive, a few details about the dead helps people
to realise that these statistics have real people behind them, and are
more than just numbers.  I imagine that a huge list of thousands of
names could be a very powerful and moving testament to why sanctions
should be lifted.  If anyone thinks this idea of listing the dead is
morbid, or in bad taste, I welcome comments.


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