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Re: UN human rights report on CASI's website

>I have placed a PDF version of "The adverse consequences of economic
>sanctions on the enjoyment of human rights" on CASI's website.
>This is the new UN report that has been discussed recently on this list.
>I hope eventually to replace our PDF version with a link to a UN site.  As
>I have been unable to find a UN site, though, I have converted the Word
>document sent to me by Marc Bossuyt, the report's author.

Thank you, Colin.

I have a query which I hope you or someone else might be able to help 
with.  The report describes itself as a "working paper".  Can you clarify 
what this means?  - Was the report adopted by the UN subcommission or did 
it merely pass resolutions confirming particular aspects of it? May the 
working paper be said to represent the view of the subcommission as a whole?

Richard Pond

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