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Re: UN human rights report on CASI's website

Richard Pond asked this morning:

> I have a query which I hope you or someone else might be able to help 
> with.  The report describes itself as a "working paper".  Can you clarify 
> what this means?  - Was the report adopted by the UN subcommission or did 
> it merely pass resolutions confirming particular aspects of it? May the 
> working paper be said to represent the view of the subcommission as a whole?

My understanding of the Sub-Commission's functioning is poor, and largely
derived from the introduction to the report itself, which states that:

        3. In its decision 1998/112 of 26 August 1998, the Sub-Commission
        decided to continue discussion of the issue of economic sanctions
        at its fifty-first session under the same agenda sub-item.

        4. In its decision 1999/111 of 26 August 1999, the Sub-Commission
        requested Mr. Marc Bossuyt to prepare, without financial
        implications, a working paper on this topic to be submitted to the
        Sub-Commission at its fifty-second session.  The present working
        paper is submitted pursuant to that decision. 

The press release released on 17/8/00 ("SUBCOMMISSION ON PROMOTION AND
CONCERN") describes the proceedings on 16/8/00:

        The Subcommission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights
        took up this afternoon its agenda item on "review of further
        developments in fields with which the Subcommission has been or
        may be concerned"...

        The Subcommission will reconvene at 10 a.m. on Thursday, 17
        August, to conclude its debate on this agenda item before taking
        action on draft resolutions and decisions tabled under a series of
        agenda items. 

The events of 17/8/00 are also described in a press release (of 18/8/00).
The press releases can be found at:

In any case, the working paper seems to have been just that: a paper
commissioned by the Sub-Commission for their information.  They discussed
it but it does not form part of a resolution.  A resolution has been
passed, E/CN.4/Sub.2/2000/L.9, which may refer to the report.  I have yet
to find the text of this so am guessing that (i) it was passed on 18/8/00;
and (ii) it is the annual resolution of the Sub-Committee on the sanctions
on Iraq.

I hope that this helps somewhat.

Best wishes,

Colin Rowat

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