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Albright and Russian flights

Albright's somewhat hysterical reaction re allegedly denying US air space to
carriers who go to Iraq surely opens some interesting double edged fiscal
arguments which hardly need to be spelt out - and despite US power there are
many countries who increasingly would appear to feel insulted at being
treated like some 'developing' country by a colonial power somewhere back in
the 19th century.

However there is an issue which has not been addressed. When the Pope was
planning a pilgrimage to Ur it was bombed, destroying a car carrying
journalists, one of whom was injured.

When Iraq and Syria announced resumption of a rail link between Mosul and
Damascus, a bombing too place which damaged a station, within days.

When foreign astronomers and sceintists went to the ridge near St Mathew's
Monastry - 4th century on Mount Maqloub - the area was bombed. the monastry
shaken to ts foundations and three people were killed according to the

Flights herald the biggest stake of all - the unravelling of sanctions. With
two Members of the Security Council so increasingly reckless that the UN
advises it personnel only to travel at certain times of the day in the north
incase they are killed or injured - and having withdrawn non nationals from
the south, I'd lay money that discussions in a number of Command Control
Centres are taking place about what to do about that airport. Probably hung
on the turning away of UNMOVIC in December, after the Presidential elections
would give an excuse for another Christmas bombing of Baghdad.

Thoughts? Pre-emptive solutions? 
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